Section 66 - Chekhov's Young Women

"My God, I was almost suffocated to death."

With a bladder full of urine, Squadron Leader "Peanut Butter" Major Chekhov wore a look of relief.

By this time, the wine had worn off, and the landing of "Big Mouth Monster" No.211 was smooth and flawless.

The grass became increasingly lush.

Look at all the runways at the airports, most are surrounded with lush green grass, all watered day after day.

The ground crew at Aircrew Base 909 were not surprised by this, considering the distance from the runway to the restrooms, where one has to run a good two kilometers, otherwise one would end up wetting their pants halfway.

As one of the two female pilots in the "Genuine Fragrance" Combat Flight Squadron, Vice Squadron Leader "Devil Pepper" Irinei Rusios looked disdainfully over her shoulder at a group of older men and turned away.

She didn't need to engage in such indecent acts, as adult diapers had already been prepared.