Section 115 - Testing the Edge of the Secret Technique

The veterans didn't hesitate to rush into the underground air defense facility.

There were often more than one entrance, which on one hand allowed personnel from various departments to seek cover in a timely manner, and on the other hand, it prevented a situation where the destruction of one entrance would result in the whole pot being lifted.

Chen Fei also planned to take cover in the air defense facility, but just as he lifted his foot, he discovered "Dance with the missiles for a cumulative 19 seconds/60 seconds, make sure the posture is elegant, gain Energy Points +200!"


Seconds can be gained like this?

Could it be that the 'Dance with the missiles' not only pertains to the sky but also the ground?

So... let's dance, let's all dance together.

666, turn it up!

Dance, my foot!

Who would dance when missiles are falling? Isn't this anti-human?

Quickly grabbing two heavy steel plates and stacking them together, he prepared to face the impact.