Section 632 - Incorrect Way of Opening


"...Director Harlow... suppression... insufficient manpower... Dynasty... asking for help... urgent..."

The voice in the surveillance video spoke hurriedly and with a regional accent, making it difficult for Chen Fei and Princess Lin Ziyu to make out the words clearly.

Being locked up in the detention area, naturally, they had no idea what had actually happened at this branch of the Security Department.

So Chen Fei said, "Just ask someone and we'll find out!"

What surprised Chen Fei and Princess Lin Ziyu the most was that their personal belongings were neatly placed in the duty room.

Right before those on duty left, one of them, who was the last to go, turned back while the others had left the room. He took out a cardboard box from under the desk and placed it on the tabletop. Inside were Chen Fei and Princess Lin Ziyu's personal clothes, cellphones, and documents, even including the Space System Alchemy Storage Device.