0016 Coach, I'm feeling a little uncomfortable (Thanks to the reward from Denghua Lanshan R)

"Alessandro Nesta, don't be fooled by his gentlemanly appearance—he's actually a beast."

"Hello, Alessandro." Huang Kaiwen greeted him with a hug, saying, "Milan has the best defense in the world. It's really comforting."

"Hello, hello~"

Nesta responded, pleasantly surprised.

In Europe, people are not too accustomed to polite clichés.

"Dida and our loyal Abbiati, they are the team's number 1 and 2 goalkeepers."

As soon as Stam had said this, Dida immediately came over and hugged Huang Kaiwen, turning passivity into activity and even complimented Huang Kaiwen's Spanish.

Brazilians speak Portuguese, but Portuguese is similar to Spanish, and they can understand each other; this was comfortable for Dida.

"Hey, buddy." Abbiati also waved his hand in greeting. Having seen Huang Kaiwen's "ability," the Milan players were ready to show goodwill towards him, especially since Huang Kaiwen was so approachable.

"Gennaro Gattuso, unlike Nesta, looks like a beast, but he's actually a quiet guy," Stam began his commentary for the day.

Huang Kaiwen somewhat understood why Stam might not be favored by Ferguson.

When Stam judged others, he always felt he was the best; probably he didn't spare Ferguson in his autobiography either. Could Ferguson's temper tolerate that?

"Don't listen to his nonsense."

Gattuso came up laughing and shook hands with Huang Kaiwen.

"Clarence Seedorf, my national team teammate."

Stam introduced his compatriot without much enthusiasm.

"Don't mind that big dummy, he's also just transferred to Milan."

Seedorf snapped back.

Huang Kaiwen pursed his lips and said nothing.

Gattuso whispered from the side, "One's from Eindhoven, the other's from Ajax."

Now Huang Kaiwen understood.

The biggest enemy for the Netherlands team has always been itself.

However, he hadn't realized that Stam had also just transferred to Milan, his performance was quite misleading; formerly, it seemed like Stam was playing for Lazio? Knowing the Milan players wouldn't be strange then since they played in the same league.

After introducing a few other inconspicuous players, Stam brought Huang Kaiwen over to greet a young man.

"His name is Digan, Kaka's brother, and he's just transferred here."

Stam spoke disdainfully, nearly pointing at Digan's nose to call him incompetent.

Digan couldn't speak Italian and could only smile naively, appearing very honest. After all, he was the only one in the team with connections, and not a low salary at that.

Huang Kaiwen immediately gave Digan a big hug.

Even though the soccer world values skill, you still have to consider the master when beating the dog, right?

His brother is the top idol of the soccer world.

Digan hadn't expected such a "big star" like Huang Kaiwen to be friendly towards him, and he was very touched.

Ancelotti watched with a smile as Huang Kaiwen greeted the first-team players before bringing the coaching staff over, asking, "How was your vacation?"

"Not bad."

"A bit short."

"It's a pity I couldn't participate in the European Cup."

"Not too bad~"

The players chimed in simultaneously.

Ancelotti's smile widened, then he waggled the list and said, "It looks like you've had a good time. I've noticed someone has gotten fatter, so let's have a little test to see what state you're all in."

A chorus of groans followed.

Even footballers don't like testing.

The coaching staff, of course, didn't care; instead, they were happy to see the players perform.

"Kevin, you don't need to go to the medic, you just had your check-up a few days ago."

"Oh, okay."

Huang Kaiwen stood by the sidelines chatting with the coaching staff.

"Seeing you blend into the team so quickly is great. When the players who participated in the major competitions return, you'll meet new teammates," Ancelotti praised him generously.

"Don't worry, coach, I'll get along well with everyone."

As the teammates gradually returned to the field, Huang Kaiwen immediately went up to greet them, raising his hand and saying, "Guys, I'm treating you to dinner tomorrow night. I'll pick a nice restaurant, make sure to bring your families."

"Thanks, Kevin."

"Alright, we'll be there."

"You're really generous, buddy. Is it a Michelin-starred place?"

"Why not today..."

Huang Kaiwen had initially wanted to invite everyone out today, but on second thought, realizing he hadn't mentioned it earlier, they might not be able to arrange their time, so he set it for tomorrow.

When the teammates who played in major competitions in the summer returned to the squad, he'd find another opportunity to treat them to a meal.

Huang Kaiwen figured that by frequently treating them to meals, the relationships could only get better.

Looking at the smiling Ancelotti, Huang Kaiwen said to the coach, "The coaching staff might not let loose, but you can pick your own spot. Remember to drink some good wine. I'll take care of the bill. My biggest problem right now is having money I can't spend."

The members of the coaching staff were also pleased, feeling that Huang Kaiwen knew how to conduct himself.

Even before touching the ball, Huang Kaiwen had already made a good impression in Milan.

During the test, his teammates had crowded around him.

"Andre's as slow as a snail. I bet he can't break 11.5 seconds."

"I guess he can't even hit 12 seconds."

Inzaghi crossed his arms, loudly egging on.

As Pirlo was preparing to test his 100-meter sprint, he turned and gave Inzaghi the middle finger.

"Alright, Andre, let your performance do the talking... Start!"

After Pirlo sprinted out, more than 10 seconds later, the assistant coach timing him shouted, "11.82 seconds."

"Oh wow, he actually broke 12 seconds. Well done, Andre!"

Inzaghi mockingly shouted, and Pirlo, finding a soccer ball by the sideline, kicked it into the crowd. His aim was accurate, but he didn't use much strength, and Abbiati caught it with ease.

Shevchenko ran 11.4 seconds and returned with an unhappy face.

Originally mocking Pirlo, Inzaghi went up and actually ran 12.8 seconds. He came back grinning and draped an arm over Pirlo's shoulder, saying, "I don't need too much speed, just a quick start is enough."

Pirlo rolled his eyes and ignored him.

"Kaka's the fastest."

Nesta remarked.

Huang Kaiwen was curious because he had heard that Kaka was faster with the ball than without: "How fast is Kaka's speed?"

"Under 10.5 seconds probably."

"Kevin, it's your turn!" Ancelotti called out.

The others joined in with cheers of encouragement, curious about this youngster's 100-meter sprint speed.

This was especially true for the players who had participated in Milan's tour in China during the summer, where Huang Kaiwen's speed on the field was quite astonishing, and he might even have surpassed Kaka.

Huang Kaiwen stood there, his body stiff, as Ancelotti reassured him with a smile, "Don't be nervous, it's just a small test."

"Start, run!"

Huang Kaiwen took off at full speed.

Without the experience card, he felt he was slower than before, but fortunately, Carlos Kaiser's body was still not bad.

He sprinted with all his might.

The 100-meter distance passed in a flash.

The assistant coach shouted, "11.6 seconds!"

The onlooking teammates erupted in noise.

Ancelotti, who had been standing at the starting point, walked over to Huang Kaiwen.

For an average player, this speed was acceptable, but Huang Kaiwen not breaking 11 seconds was unexpected.

"What's going on, you've slowed down quite a bit from before," Ancelotti asked with concern.

"Coach, I'm feeling a bit unwell,"

Huang Kaiwen said helplessly.

He really had tried his hardest; it's you who think too highly of me.

Ancelotti patted his back and advised, "Although I shouldn't say this in my position, I was a player too. Here's a piece of advice, if you want to keep shining on the field, try to restrain yourself a bit with women."

The rest of the players responded with another round of rowdy cheering.