Chapter 7 The School's Martial Virtue is Somewhat Abundant

Chen Yan was dragged out by Youtiao by her arm, completely stunned.

She had heard people say that Wang Yunxiao was a notorious loafer outside of school and had fought with students from other classes after enrolling. But most of the time, he just slept in class, silently enduring whatever the teacher said about him.

This was the first time she had seen him being so vicious and brutal.

Although he hadn't actually hit anyone, having about a dozen people surround you with such an aggressive aura was quite frightening.

Not to mention Shen Haowen, even she felt a bit intimidated and dared not say much.

It wasn't until they stepped out of the teaching building and reached a crowded area that Chen Yan couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "What are you going to do?"

"This is definitely the guy."

Wang Yunxiao laughed, "Class President, whether you believe it or not, if you go back now and try to bring him to a teacher, he will definitely find an excuse to get out of it. Even if you tell him I'm just a paper tiger, one who bullies the weak and fears the strong, he won't go to the teacher either."

Youtiao interjected, "This kid definitely has a problem. You went to inquire about the first year this morning, and in the blink of an eye, he received a message. I bet he asked you out because he's got a guilty conscience and wants to pump information from you!"

Chen Yan hesitated for a moment, then shook her head, "He indeed told me he knew about Jiang Yinyin's case. But he hasn't said anything yet, could it be that you guys are too sensitive?"

"Then go back now and see how he behaves."

Wang Yunxiao didn't care about trying to reason with a woman.

Now that the target was confirmed, the next step... was naturally to report the matter to the relevant authorities.

What else can be done? Confront him one-on-one, or wait for him to summon ghosts again to harm people?

Wang Yunxiao went straight to the infirmary and found Nurse Liu.

"Commander Huo asked you to help him investigate?"

However, Nurse Liu's attitude was very strange, neither agreeing nor objecting, just indifferently stating, "Just tell me directly who you suspect, and I'll notify Commander Huo to come. Leave the rest to the adults, you go back to sleep."

Wang Yunxiao thought, how am I not an adult? At my age, if I weren't attending school, I'd already be old enough to start a family!

If only I had a lightning bolt on my forehead, I would have done a big job for you tonight.

But since Nurse Liu had said so, he didn't insist on his view.

Back in the dormitory, Youtiao came over and whispered, "The Class President went back to find that kid, just like you guessed, Big Brother; he didn't dare make a big deal out of it. But looking at that kid grinding his teeth behind her back, he doesn't seem like the kind to swallow this indignation."

Wang Yunxiao said gravely, "Tonight, we'll do shifts in pairs for the night watch, keeping an eye on the outside. If he dares to play tricks and scare us, we'll corner him in the bathroom tomorrow!"

Ever since that night when he found out that ghosts were afraid of electric lights, he had lost his fear of these so-called ghost creatures.

Although he didn't know the principle behind it, as long as it worked, that was enough.

The dormitory didn't have wiring at all, but the corridors and classrooms had electric lights.


At midnight, Shen Haowen crept out of his bed and sneaked out of the dormitory, hiding himself in the bathroom.

He took out a piece of yellow paper and a small pencil sharpener knife from his pocket. Looking at the back of his hand, he bit his lip and a vicious look flashed across his face. With one cut, he scraped off a piece of skin the size of a fingernail.


The intense pain on the back of his hand made his body tremble, but as soon as he remembered the humiliation he suffered during the day, his anger overwhelmed the pain. He shakily wrapped the piece of skin in the yellow paper and took out a strand of dark hair.

That was a hair he had plucked from Chen Yan's clothing without her notice during the day.

Using the hair to tie the yellow paper, he stuffed it into his mouth and began chanting a spell.

Everything went dark, and when he came back to his senses, he found himself back in the dormitory.

But it was the girls' dormitory.

Chen Yan sat up groggily from her dormitory bed.

She shook her head, seemingly not quite used to the hair cascading in front of her eyes.

Picking up the small mirror on the desk and looking at her reflection in the dim starlight from outside the window, she stood up barefoot and walked out the door.

The boys' dormitory and the girls' dormitory were on different floors.

They were separated by a fence gate, with a dormitory administrator on duty at night.

But in the middle of the night, the dormitory administrators had already fallen into a deep sleep.

Chen Yan silently passed by the Wolf Fang Club stationed at the gate, took the keys from the desk, and opened the fence gate.

She walked forward, reached the door of Wang Yunxiao's dormitory, stood silently for a moment, and then pushed the door open and entered.

However, in the next moment, she was grabbed by several hands and forcefully pinned to the ground.

Shen Haowen jerked awake and opened his eyes to find the dark muzzle of a gun pointed right at him.

In that instant, he was so scared he nearly wet his pants.

"Don't move, kneel with your hands on your head!"

The cold voice of Nurse Liu brought back some of his senses, and the strong will to survive gave him an excuse.

"I was just going to the bathroom..."

He mustered the courage to squeeze out a smile, slowly reaching his right hand into his pocket.

Bang—! Pop—!

Wang Yunxiao, who had been abruptly awakened in the dormitory by Chen Yan, jerked his head up in confusion, "Where are the gunshots?"

"Big bro, the monitor is having a seizure!"

"Hold her down! Tie her up, tie her up!"

"Oh my God, she's throwing up? Big bro, what do we do?"

"I saw it, let her throw up; it's fine!"

"She's got my only pair of shorts all messy with puke..."

"Let her mom wash them for you later. Did you guys hear any noise just now?"

Everyone shook their heads; their main focus had been on holding down the monitor, who was making chaotic cries and convulsing, and even if there had been any noise, their minds couldn't register it.

"It sounded like gunshots..."

Youtiao said softly, "I think it came from upstairs, probably two shots."

Wang Yunxiao gestured broadly, "Let's go, turn on the corridor lights, and carry the monitor to the infirmary."

Of course, the students in the dorm weren't the only ones startled by the two gunshots. By the time they came out, the school's security uncle was already patrolling with a Wolf Fang Club, and all the lights on every floor had been turned on, illuminating the entire building.

Why do all the security guards in this school have to carry a Wolf Fang Club?

Is this some kind of wonderful everyday knowledge?

Honestly, if it weren't so conspicuous and inconvenient to carry, Wang Yunxiao would want to swipe one for himself to play with.

When they arrived at the infirmary carrying the monitor, Nurse Liu was crossing from the other side with someone on her shoulder, blood dripping steadily down to the tips of her shoes.

Luckily the lights were on; otherwise, stumbling upon such a sight in the middle of the night could easily lead to a misunderstanding.

Principal Zhou was standing at the entrance of the infirmary, frowning as he glanced at Wang Yunxiao and the others, then turned to Nurse Liu and asked, "Is the person dead?"

"Didn't hit any vital spots, no major concern."

Nurse Liu adjusted her face mask, leaving a vague bloody handprint on it.

She seemed experienced, not at all flustered, as she settled Shen Haowen, who had been shot, and directed Wang Yunxiao and the others to carry Chen Yan onto a sickbed.

"You lot, come over here! Stand against the wall!"

Principal Zhou glared fiercely at Wang Yunxiao, "Growing bolder, are we? How come you're always involved in everything!"

Youtiao said softly, "It's not related to us..."

Wang Yunxiao gently kicked him.

The principal was furious, and there was something bulky hidden under his jacket at his lower back. It was best to be cautious at this moment and not argue with him.

"You kids really are..."

Principal Zhou pointed at them one by one with his finger, grinding his teeth for a while, but in the end, he didn't say anything. He walked back in front of Wang Yunxiao and rebuked in a low voice, "Not studying properly! Wasting your days with frivolous behavior! What do you plan to do in the future? Do you really want to be a loafer on the streets? Even loafers need to have some sense, randomly getting involved in things to show off—think that makes you impressive, do you?"

Wang Yunxiao bowed his head obediently.

You're the principal, so you must be right.

"Starting tomorrow, you're confined to the dormitory for a week! No leaving the dorm!"

Having scolded them, Principal Zhou turned back to Nurse Liu, who was extracting the bullet from Shen Haowen and said, "I'm going to make a call. Check everybody when you're done here."

After he left, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief and then cast curious glances towards Shen Haowen on the bed.

The war had just ended not long ago, and there wasn't a person who hadn't seen a corpse; thus, they were not too scared.

Dead bodies were common, but it was rare to see someone survive, drenched in blood from two gunshot wounds.

Wang Yunxiao, standing by the side, had a clear view. Shen Haowen had been shot once in the right hand and once in the left arm; these two shots had completely immobilized him. Although he was bleeding profusely, the bullets indeed hadn't hit any vital areas, and with prompt bandaging, it wasn't life-threatening.

What probably caused his unconsciousness wasn't the gunshot wounds but the fresh red mark on his forehead. If Wang Yunxiao's guess was correct, Nurse Liu must have turned the gun around and struck him on the head with the butt once she'd determined he couldn't fight back.

What a kind-hearted person she was.

After Nurse Liu finished bandaging Shen Haowen and cleaning the blood off her hands, she lifted Chen Yan's eyelids to check her eyes, pressed on her wrist to take her pulse, and then turned to everyone, "If there's nothing else, go back to sleep. Don't be afraid of nightmares, and don't go out for a week. Let's put an end to this matter, and if anyone asks, you say you don't know anything, got it?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Wang Yunxiao, trying to look innocent, asked, "Sis, what kind of sorcery is this? If we encounter something like this again, how should we protect ourselves?"

Nurse Liu hesitated.

Her expression seemed to suggest they needn't worry about it, but the reality before their eyes made that advice seem less than convincing.

"You young people are full of vigor; you don't have to fear being possessed by ghost creatures."

Wang Yunxiao curled his lip, "We're not afraid, but look at our monitor..."

Nurse Liu thought for a moment.

"Well, I'll come to your dormitory tomorrow, give you all another check-up, and then teach you some self-defense methods."