Chapter 10 I've Seen This Brother Before

Since ancient times, Huaxia has had very precise descriptions and distinctions for the dynamic social organizations and their members within cities.

Those with some spare cash at home and who wander around with swords, not doing any proper work, are called Rangers.

The local natives who love to bully others are called Thugs, and those who are bullied are called Paupers.

Those skilled with their hands, who like to tattoo and oil themselves, are brave and love to fight, and can perform on stage are called Street Performers.

Those without household registration, uncultured, completely shameless, are called Rogues.

Those who spend everything, use everything up, pawn everything away, whose wages are settled daily and nothing is left the next day, are called 'three lights' pawnbrokers.

Those who don't study or work properly, seek to be unconventional, and play with cats and dogs, are called Hooligans.

Those who are good for nothing, never get enough to eat, and live day by day are called Loafers.

These demons, when added together, are academically called the idle social populace, but of course, they can boastfully claim to be Jianghu People.

The Jianghu People are also ranked high and low, with the Loafer being the lowest level among them.

The 'Loafer' in Loafers refers to idly waiting for death. Forget about arson, looting, and plundering, even fighting has rules, with a prior agreement that neither side can bring weapons nor strike lethal blows. After the fight, they even have to apologize to the local residents, young and old, clean the streets, and dare not trouble others.

Although usually not presentable, looked down upon, that doesn't mean there are no benefits.

The benefit is that when the sky falls, there is a tall one to hold it up; it won't fall on them.

In the early years of Ming Country, Tianmen City conducted its first crime sweep, and all the previously arrogant forces and gangs were wiped out.

At the end of the year, during the second round of the crime sweep, another large group of miscreants was cleaned out, incidentally rescuing a large number of fallen women.

Wang Yunxiao and his friends went to school honestly, with no trouble at all.

According to Youtiao, this street used to be full of pleasure quarters, which at night were absolutely resplendent with lights and feasting, birds dancing and singing. Originally, there were no wooden models in these display windows, but beautiful young ladies, round and full, each able to sing and dance, talented in many arts...

"Have you been here before?"

"I heard it from others!"

Even if there are any surviving young ladies, they wouldn't come out to do business during the day. Now, both sides of the street are filled with legitimate shops that reopened after rectification.

The street is also lively with a variety of Jianghu performers, selling fruits, cigarettes, and small ice pops, storytelling, singing operas, and demonstrating martial arts.

Wang Yunxiao strolled around, playing until noon, then found a shady spot with Youtiao and squatted down by the wall, taking out a cornbread to nibble on.

He had only taken a few bites when he heard footsteps approaching from behind.

Wang Yunxiao gave Youtiao a look, pinching a small iron knife in his hand.

But it seemed that the other party had no ill intentions, as they called out from a distance, "Yuanxiao!"

Wang Yunxiao turned around and saw a skinny man standing behind him.

To describe how thin the man was, at first glance, it looked as if his head was mounted on a chopstick, all skin and bones, the sort that could be blown away by the wind. The man had a mischievously smiling face, with a touch of sleaze in his eyes and brows.

Wang Yunxiao looked at Youtiao, who shook his head.

If Youtiao didn't recognize him, it meant he wasn't an acquaintance.

"It's me, Lv'er!"

Seeing the blank expression on Wang Yunxiao's face, the man didn't get angry but chuckled and came closer, glancing at the cornbread in Wang Yunxiao's hand and immediately frowning, saying disdainfully, "Why are you still eating this? Come on, Brother will take you out to eat!"

Who else could you be?

Wang Yunxiao didn't move, clasping his hands in front of him, and tentatively asked, "I find you a bit unfamiliar, Big Brother; I don't dare to acknowledge you..."

Lv'er said irritably, "Haven't seen me for just a few years, and you've forgotten me? Remember? When Old Blind Meng married his Concubine and organized a banquet, we sat at the same table, and even played cards together at night, have you forgotten all that?"

Wang Yunxiao thought I'd remember that? No chance!

Youtiao whispered in his ear, "Old Blind Meng was a big Loafer in our area back then. I seem to recall something like that."

He merely said there was such a thing but didn't know the person, so using such a distant connection to get chummy really required a face as thick as the bottom of a pot.

Wang Yunxiao didn't feel his current status and identity were worthy of such a person offering him a meal.

However, as the saying goes, the barefoot are not afraid of those with shoes; if it's free, why not eat it?

"What am I, a big man, afraid of? Afraid you're going to harvest my kidney?"

Realizing this truth, Wang Yunxiao immediately laughed and said, "My apologies, my apologies. Blame my poor eyesight; I truly didn't recognize Second Brother."

Lv'er curled his lips and said, "Yi, after studying for two years and becoming cultured, speaking really is different, isn't it? Let's go, let's go, walk and talk!"

This person was obviously a loafer, and although he mentioned treating them to a meal, it wasn't going to be at an eatery with a sign hanging on the street. The three of them wandered around, passing through streets and alleys until they found a small donkey meat fire-baked bun shop.

"Shopkeeper! Bring us a pot, half a pound of donkey intestines, half a pound of braised meat, ten baked buns, two liang of Shao liquor, and some cold dishes to accompany the drinks!"

Lv'er waved his hand with grand air, "Today I'm hosting; no one be polite with me. If it's not enough, we'll order more!"

Who's being polite with you...

Wang Yunxiao smiled and said, "Second Brother making a fortune recently?"

"Hey, doing a little business... Oh, right, where were we just now? Ah yes, Old Blind Meng!"

Lv'er slammed his hand on the table, a look of regret covering his face: "Old Meng was such a good guy, wasn't he? They executed him just like that by shooting. Now that little wife of his is on the streets trying to make a living with their daughter. If it weren't for us, brothers, taking care of them from time to time, who knows what scumbag would've messed with them by now..."

Wang Yunxiao didn't chime in, just listened as he went on talking by himself.

After a while, the boss brought over a pot simmering with assorted donkey offal, served with green and red carrots, tofu, and glass noodles, the aroma was mouthwatering. Beneath the pot, the charcoal fire kept it simmering, with the thick soup on top bubbling and white with oil slicks.

"Come on, help yourselves! The soup can be refilled, and you can even add noodles if you want!" Lv'er called out while standing up and serving himself some meat.

Wang Yunxiao ladled himself a full bowl of soup and vegetables. He tore up the remaining baked bun, soaked it thoroughly in the soup, and gulped it down making slurping sounds. The steaming meat soup mixed with the spicy flavor of white pepper shot from his stomach to his head, causing beads of sweat to form on the tip of his nose.

"Let me tell you, when you have money, you gotta eat this stuff! Those stir-fries are nothing special!"

Lv'er, who had insisted on treating them, was also eating the fastest. He wiped the sweat from his face, sniffed, and with a smile said to Wang Yunxiao, "Yuanxiao, I haven't seen much of you on the street these past two years. I heard you guys got hauled off to school to study? Does the school give you money?"

Wang Yunxiao and Youtiao gorged themselves while shaking their heads.

"You still study without getting paid?"

Lv'er grabbed the liquor jug, filled a cup of liquor, and pushed it in front of Wang Yunxiao with a sly laugh, "I'm not saying studying is bad, studying is definitely good, but that's for young masters and ladies, not folks like us! Take your school for instance, the government doesn't charge you now, lets you study for free. What about later? Can they support you for a lifetime?"

Wang Yunxiao, catching the subtext in his words, couldn't help but laugh, "Second Brother, you're right, but we can't help it. At least there's food and shelter in school. What can I do if I leave? Beg on the streets?"

Lv'er waved his hand, "That's not it. Brother, back in the day, you were a known man in South City, with a bunch of capable brothers who respected you! Let me tell you, it's different now! The government has swept through twice, and those old and young personalities are either dead or fled, not one left. I'm not bragging, but someone like me, when I go out, people call me 'Second Master!' Think about it..."

Wang Yunxiao shook his head, "Second Brother, you've said it yourself, last year they swept through twice, and who knows, they might do it again this year. Are you asking me to throw my life away?"

"Tsk, who told you to get up to no good? If you were that capable, I'd be clinging to your coattails!"

Lv'er sipped from his cup, lowered his voice and said, "Brother, I have an opportunity for wealth here, but I'm troubled by the lack of a partner. These past days, I've been fretting about it at home. Isn't it fortuitous, I bump into you as soon as I step out the door!"

Laozi doesn't buy your crap!

Wang Yunxiao chuckled inwardly while outwardly appearing nonchalant, he whispered, "There's such a good deal?"

Lv'er grinned, "Opportunities for riches are plenty, but they never used to fall into our hands. Like those stalls by your school, they were all managed by Sixth Zhu. Ever since he and his brothers went in, nobody's been in charge of that area anymore. Some of my pals were just complaining to me the other day, saying there's no one organising, making it less fun to play."

Wang Yunxiao initially didn't understand, but halfway through, he realized it was about gathering people for gambling.

Hurriedly, he waved his hands, "No way, I'm out!"

"It's small stakes!"

Lv'er quickly reassured, "It's just the neighbors playing, tiny bets, the cops won't bother us! I'm not asking you to do much, just give the brothers some support and keep up appearances. If you agree, I'll cut you in for this much—" He pinched his thumb and index finger together, making a gesture for a twenty-five percent share, then pulled out from his pocket a five-tael silver ingot and laid it on the table, winking, "Real silver, Second Brother is not joking with you. If you agree, take this silver bar straight away, and we can plan in detail tonight!"

Wang Yunxiao reached for the silver, and Lv'er's expression changed as he hurriedly tried to stop him, not expecting Wang Yunxiao's hand to be quicker, snatching it away.

"Tonight won't work, let's do tomorrow. Meet me by our school gate tomorrow at noon."

Wang Yunxiao weighed the silver in his hand, pocketed it, and then, ignoring Lv'er's embarrassed face, continued devouring his meal.

After filling up, he parted ways with Lv'er.

On the way back, Youtiao whispered, "Big Brother, I think this guy has bad intentions. Seeing the pained look on his face, that money might not even be his."

"Where in the world do you find such luck? We're not blood brothers, why would he give you five taels of silver for nothing, and even partner with you? He's taking me for a fool!"

Wang Yunxiao clutched the silver in his hand, sneered inwardly, "I'll report him when we get back!"