Chapter 18: If Only I Had Known It Would Be Like This

The business warfare in novels is very different from that in reality.

Because novel authors need to follow logic, they can't just throw the reader's mind off the twenty-eight-floor rooftop for kicks.

Who wants to read about a big guy smashing open safes and stealing company seals or sneaking into the night to chop down a rival company's money tree, right?

Wang Yunxiao used to be deeply poisoned by web novels, always thinking that after he transmigrated, he would encounter those cunning and calculating characters, who would design traps within traps, layers within layers, to play him like clapping hands...

However, reality proved he read too many Qidian novels.

These two heroes, who knows where they came from, couldn't even set a trap properly.

Playing penny poker for over an hour and only losing two yuan and fifty-six cents, these two started to panic!

Does your Family Head know how outstanding you are?

Could you please try harder for a little longer instead of giving up so easily?

Seeing Du Chun getting lascivious ideas, Wang Yunxiao didn't feel nervous at all, and even felt a bit relieved.

Bad luck at the card table is something nobody can do anything about.

Stopping losses in time and looking for other solutions can also be a strategy to break the game.

Using "lusting for beauty" as an excuse, escalating verbal provocations to physical conflict, finding a reason to subdue oneself, and bringing oneself before the master...

That made sense.

Wang Yunxiao had already decided, considering the other party looked like someone skilled in martial arts, that they should be capable. He would symbolically resist a bit, then let them capture him, and thus he could meet the boss.

As long as he confirmed the existence of this person, it didn't matter who it was, the rest could be handled by the school, and he could legitimately claim the five taels of silver.

Honestly, although Lv'er was unreliable, Wang Yunxiao thought the business he came up with was quite promising.

Too bad he still had to take his brothers to school and study; he didn't have time to run such a business.

Wang Yunxiao had a good plan, the only thing he hadn't considered was that his opponents seemed not even to have reached Silver Rank yet.

He saw Du Chun give him a sidelong glance and sneer at Wang Yunxiao, "What's the matter, she's your sweetheart? If you dare to show your face, don't be afraid of people coveting it! Letting you play a couple of hands with the master, winning some money and you forget your own last name? You should go out and ask around, the master..."

"Master your leg!"

Before Wang Yunxiao could speak, Guozi stood up and flipped a stool onto Du Chun's face, "Master this, master that, who are you the master of!"

Caught unawares, Du Chun fell flat on his behind. Du Ming raised a finger angrily at Guozi and roared, "Thief! You dare to raise a hand against us?"

Wang Yunxiao had been on guard against these two making a move and blurted, "No, no, no!" As he spoke, he flipped the table onto their face, and with his other hand, he clutched a small knife between two fingers, stabbing toward Du Ming's outstretched hand.

With a muffled squelch, the knife pierced the palm, blood spurting out.

Du Ming screamed in pain.

Wang Yunxiao and Guozi exchanged glances, both ready to fight.

But the Du brothers clumsily got up from the ground, kept their distance, and yelled, clutching their hand, "Thief Sun! You dare use a weapon, huh? Do you know who we are?"

Wang Yunxiao: ???


It's not you two...

Not fighting?

Seeing that neither of them spoke, Du Ming, with a grimace, wiped his injured hand over his face, smearing it with blood, then tilted his head to expose his neck and sneered, "Thief Sun! If you've got the guts, stab me here! If you can't kill me, I'm your grandpa!"

Wang Yunxiao: ???

I've never heard of such a request!

He was still hesitant, but Guozi, full of youthful vigor, didn't say a word, turned around, picked up a glass bottle used for serving loose wine from the side, and smashed it against the wall. The bottle shattered instantly, leaving only a jagged half in his hand, the broken edges gleaming menacingly.

The Du brothers turned pale and ran for it.

Guozi, expressionless, took off after them.

Wang Yunxiao stood there, utterly baffled, not knowing what to do.

Could it be that I've overthought this?

That couldn't be right, look at how arrogant they were just now, who could've guessed they were paper tigers, bursting at the slightest poke?

Aren't normal villainous extras supposed to be unbending and never repentant, not taking a lesson even after being taught, fighting over each other to continue showing up and getting humiliated?

Do you even have any professional ethics?

But now wasn't the time for him to think too much, as Guozi had already taken off after them. Afraid that Guozi might be at a disadvantage, Wang Yunxiao hurried to the startled onlookers and cupped his fists in apology, "Ladies and gentlemen, as you all have witnessed, we didn't provoke this. I was kindly treating these two gentlemen, but who would've thought they still harbored ill intentions, spewing filth and trying to harass respectable women."

The old man playing cards chuckled and said, "Young man, don't worry. You don't have to be afraid, we all saw what happened. The neighbors can all vouch for you."

What am I afraid of, I threw the punches, you're not scared either, right? That's real good then!

Wang Yunxiao thought to himself that these two indeed had nothing frightening about them, the only one who should be scared was Lv'er, who was now caught between laughing and crying, trembling with fear, probably about to wet his pants.

After soothing the customers, Wang Yunxiao didn't bother with Lv'er and hurried out the door to look for Guozi.

In just the time it took to say a couple of sentences, Guozi had chased the Du brothers down an entire street. Loach whistled, and Youtiao, leading the other brothers, surrounded them, trapping them at the corner.

As the saying goes, two fists can't beat four hands, and a fierce tiger can't withstand a pack of wolves.

It was thought that the Du brothers were tall and menacing, not easy to deal with. But as it turned out, they were all bark and no bite, scaredy-cats that fled in panic. By the time Wang Yunxiao arrived, the two were already surrounded and beaten to a pulp, lying on the ground unable to move.


Wang Yunxiao immediately went over to call a halt. It wasn't completely dark yet, and the streets were busy with passersby. People seeing a group of students kicking and punching two strong men couldn't help but stop and watch.

These people also had some nerve. In the old society, if you dared to linger and watch a gang fight, you'd be lucky not to be caught in the crossfire.

It was only because the public security was better now that the civilians had the courage to not only watch but even point fingers and make comments.

Wang Yunxiao held Guozi back and whispered to Youtiao, "This is bad, we've become the bad guys!"

Regardless of the reasons, and whether there were witnesses or not, in the end, it was them, a dozen people, beating up two others. If things got out of hand, he wouldn't be able to clear his name even with a mouthful of explanations.

Being a transmigrator, Wang Yunxiao was particularly sensitive to such situations.

However, Youtiao shook his head, signaling him not to talk nonsense, then gave Du Ming another kick in the butt and asked loudly, "What do you say, gentlemen?"

Initially curled up with his head in his arms, Du Ming immediately raised his head upon hearing this, trying to smile through the pain and said, "It feels good! It's like giving grandpa a scrub, put in some effort, don't hold back!"