Chapter 22 The Unpredictable and Bizarre Legends of the Jianghu World

When the person who should be locked up in the cell quietly appears before you, holding the gun from your waist.

One must learn to recognize reality and follow their inner rationality.

Director Sun remained silent for a moment, then spread his hands to signify that he was giving up resistance, stepped back a few paces to lean against the windowsill, and sighed, "Wang Yunxiao, you're already halfway into the Jianghu World, why don't you understand the principle that knowing too much isn't good for you?"

Wang Yunxiao smiled, set down the handgun, and gently rubbed it, turning the intact gun into a pile of scattered parts in an instant.

"Director Sun, we had no past grievances, and no recent quarrels. If it weren't for that person behind the scenes inciting and directing, I believe you would have no need to trouble a poor student like me. I have no intention of prying into your personal privacy, it's just that the person on the phone earlier said some very strange things to me, hence my question."

Director Sun's gaze flickered as he asked in a deep voice, "What did he say to you?"

Wang Yunxiao laughed, "He threatened me using my sister, but the fact that I have a sister should not be known to anyone."

Little Gourd was not his biological sister, and not many people in school knew about their relationship.

Therefore, the threat on the phone sounded very strange.

How to put it, it's like going to a comic con, taking a photo with a cosplayer, then coming home to have your mother flip through the photos and inquire about the girl's family situation... it's that sort of mismatched feeling.

It's not that there wasn't a threat, it just felt like there was a subtle misunderstanding.

Seeing that Wang Yunxiao was telling the truth, Director Sun's face relaxed slightly, and he coughed and chuckled, "I'm also puzzled, I don't know who this person is, it seems he knows a little about everything, yet doesn't understand the rules of the Jianghu World."

The most basic rule of the Jianghu World—do not involve parents, spouse, or children in disputes.

Seeing the change in his facial expressions, Wang Yunxiao knew that this director had also received a similar threat, and it was the kind of secret that couldn't be exposed.

"Alright, seeing as you have your difficulties, I won't ask further. I won't trouble you, and I hope you'll take care of yourself!"

After offering a bow with his hands clasped, Wang Yunxiao turned and left.

From Director Sun, he had gathered enough information.

What remained was to find the person on the other end of the phone.

Back in the cell, he locked the door, and Wang Yunxiao cast a cold glance around.

Those who had been locked up before were huddled in the corner, closing their eyes and pretending to sleep, as if they knew nothing.

For one thing, Wang Yunxiao had many followers and they dared not provoke him.

For another, a boss who could move freely in the police station was presumably as adept at taking heads in the middle of the night as reaching into a bag, so they dared not speak out.

Wang Yunxiao gathered his brothers and spoke in a hushed voice, recounting what he had just seen and heard, and none of their faces looked good.

"That shouldn't be, how does he know about Little Gourd's relationship with us?"

Youtiao looked puzzled, "Big Brother, you don't have a biological sister out there that you don't know about, do you?"

Wang Yunxiao thought to himself, who do I ask?

But if you consider the context, it definitely points to Little Gourd. Otherwise, who else could the ghost at the school latch onto?

"Then who's this ghost? It can't be the class monitor, right?"

Youtiao exclaimed in shock, "Last time Chen Yan came to our dormitory and had an epileptic seizure, she didn't leave any lingering effects, did she?"

Wang Yunxiao shook his head, "Impossible!"

Even though he didn't know who the person on the phone meant by "ghost," he chose to trust Nurse Liu.

Her display of vast experience and professional demeanor in this regard was highly convincing.

If even she couldn't find any issues, Wang Yunxiao felt he would be no different.

After all, he knew nothing about the mysterious realms of this world.

"Lad, you didn't run into an 'Advisor,' did you?"

An elderly voice suddenly came from behind him.

Wang Yunxiao turned and looked in the direction of the voice, only to see the old gentleman who had been soundly asleep with his head covered was now sitting up and squatting by the window, smiling at him gleefully.

To live to such an old age and still be detained in a squad room, he definitely wasn't an ordinary person.

At that age, even if someone wanted to be detained, the police would be reluctant to arrest him.

Wang Yunxiao walked over and asked with cupped fists, "May I ask what the 'Advisor' the elder speaks of refers to?"

The old gentleman waved his hand and said, "An Advisor isn't an object, it's a type of person. Have you heard of 'Artists'?"

Wang Yunxiao frowned and said, "Are you referring to those Artists who perform in operas?"

Or the spirits after people die?

The old gentleman laughed and nodded, "To dare to call oneself an Artist, one must truly be a renowned figure with skill. Of course, it's not limited to opera, but includes playing instruments, singing, calligraphy, chess, painting—not to say they must be proficient in all, but at least they should be presentable in these talents. In the past, there were people who specifically nurtured these Artists and presented them as playthings to wealthy families. And in the Jianghu World, it is rumored that there are such individuals who are experts... Lad, have you heard of 'Water Margin'?"

Seeing Wang Yunxiao nod, he continued, "In the 'Water Margin Tale,' characters like Lu Zhishen and Wanderer Yan Qing are precisely such fascinating individuals. These people are not only masters of various talents but also possess a unique ability to hear the 'Sounds Beyond the Strings.' Even if you don't utter a word in their presence, they can guess the secrets in your heart!"

"Is this what an Advisor is?"

"Exactly, this kind of person is called an Advisor."

The old gentleman chuckled and said, "Think about it, people like that are not only talented but can also probe into others' minds. As long as they have a bit of wit, they can almost effortlessly gain a lifetime of glory and wealth. However, some individuals misuse their cleverness on the wrong paths, relying on their abilities, they unscrupulously pry into others' secrets, blackmailing and extorting with the leverage they hold... Hmph, there's a saying, 'Greed is the root of all evil,' unable to control one's greed leads one down the path to death!"


Wang Yunxiao engraved the term deeply in his heart.

"Then may I ask the elder, if we do encounter such people, how should we deal with them?"

He asked sincerely for advice, but the old man didn't answer immediately. Instead, he asked with a smile, "Lad, who taught you your lock-picking skills?"

Are you expecting me to say the Steam Workshop lock simulator...

Wang Yunxiao smiled and said, "I practiced on my own, I don't have a master."

"Would you like to find a master?"

Wang Yunxiao, sensing the old man's smile, had an epiphany.

If he were really an uneducated loafer from the streets, meeting a master taking disciples could have seemed like a stroke of divine luck, and he might have knelt down and kowtowed gratefully.

But I am a decent person!

"Thank you for your kind offer."

Wang Yunxiao replied with a smile and cupped fists, "Elder, we're all studying at school now. We don't have any other plans for the time being."

"Hmph, the likes of you should take a good look in the mirror and see if you're really cut out for studying?"

Taken aback by Wang Yunxiao's polite refusal, the old gentleman could not hide his displeasure and snorted coldly, "It is only because living conditions have improved and the Imperial Court is considerate of the populace that small fry like you can attend school. Do you think studying is easy? Back in the day, during the imperial examinations, countless scholars studied their entire lives without obtaining titles. Lacking any other skills, they would end their lives in destitution, starving to death in the streets!"