Chapter 28 Give Me Some Light to Illuminate the Darkness

Huo Qingyang actually wasn't a nagging man.

He was purely agitated because of consecutive overtime work that caused excessive liver heat, and was lectured face-to-face by Mr. Zhou for half an hour, his brain was almost ready to explode.

After righteously scolding Wang Yunxiao, he took a deep breath and felt refreshed.

Junior brothers are there to vent on, aren't they? What else are they good for?

As for whether Wang Yunxiao would be upset... they were all grown men, why bother with such trivialities?

"Old Third Ding is nothing but a fart!"

Back to his normal self, Huo Qingyang wrapped an arm around Wang Yunxiao's shoulders and whispered in his ear, "I could squash him in a minute, but what's the use of that? Let me tell you, people like him can't even make it onto this year's list of key crackdown targets. The Jianghu World you're mixed up in is just the lowest level. The truly complex and cruel aspects of this world, you haven't even begun to touch."

"Catching an Old Third Ding is easy, but if you do, will you investigate his underlings? Will you look into his backers? Who will do the investigating? Who has the time and ability for that?"

Huo Qingyang pressed on Wang Yunxiao's shoulders, speaking earnestly, "Brother, study for a few more years, you should at least get a high school diploma. When that time comes and you join me, dealing with scum like Old Third Ding, I'll make sure you catch so many you'll get tired and nauseous."

Wang Yunxiao sighed inwardly and said just as earnestly, "Brother, give me a gun and I can solve this problem right now."

Huo Qingyang gritted his teeth, "You really are stubborn, aren't you? Have you not taken to heart a word I've said? The state provides subsidies for your food and housing, for your education, and you don't study well. If you can't pass the high school exam, what greatness can you achieve later on?"

Wang Yunxiao shook his head, "It's not difficult for me to get into high school, and it's not hard to get my brothers to advance with me either, but this isn't the immediate priority. Third Master Ding might indeed be insignificant in your eyes, but he may not see it that way himself. Today they dared to threaten the police chief, who knows what they'll do tomorrow. Commander Huo, you surely don't want Principal Zhou to call your department every day, do you?"

These words struck a chord in Huo Qingyang. He hesitated, clenching his teeth, then couldn't resist asking, "Can you handle it, kid?"

Wang Yunxiao smiled, "A mouth ulcer doesn't stop growing just because you drink half a cup less or smoke one less cigarette today. Since you don't want to deal with Third Master Ding, or rather since you're worried that catching him will lead to a Fourth Master Bing, does it really matter if I can handle it? Leave me a gun and it can at least have a comforting effect. Besides..."

"I remember you telling me that I was born into a naval family!"

Naval family!

Those four words instantly made Huo Qingyang's expression serious. His face void of emotion, he released his grip, gazed intently at Wang Yunxiao, and ordered, "Look into my eyes and repeat that last sentence you just said!"

Without any sign of fear, Wang Yunxiao stated firmly, "I am a son of the navy!"

"You know the exhortation of the Naval Academy... never mind, you probably don't know this, so let me tell you now."

Huo Qingyang enunciated each word with seriousness, "The first admonition of the Naval Academy: there is no Great Wall at sea, we are the Great Wall! Look into my eyes and repeat after me!"

"There is no Great Wall at sea, we are the Great Wall!"

Wang Yunxiao repeated it loudly without any psychological pressure.

He vaguely remembered he might have shouted a similar slogan before, but it wasn't quite the same.

Was I a soldier before?

Oh, right, I seem to have had a comrade who brought me a meat burger with Auron filling when he was going back to his hometown…

Huo Qingyang stared into his eyes, and after a long silence, he finally spoke, "Anyone can talk big, but whether you can shoulder the burden, only you know in your heart. I'm definitely not going to give you a gun, but I'll have Liu Zhihan... that's Nurse Liu, give you some special tutoring, teaching you some professional experience in handling special issues."

"As for those classmates of yours, as long as you can trust them, they can also sit in. But the premise is that it must not affect your studies. If Mr. Zhou calls me because of some bullshit like your grades slipping because of you, then you're dead meat, do you believe I'd personally throw you into the sea to feed the sharks?"

Wang Yunxiao didn't really want a gun.

If there really was a war, having a gun in hand would naturally keep one's mind at ease.

But if it's just to deal with some small issues on the streets, there's no need to use a gun at all, the gunfire would actually be a trouble.

What he truly wanted was for Huo Qingyang to back him up, so even if he was a bit more heavy-handed, he wouldn't end up being thrown into prison.

Of course, if he could learn some professional knowledge on handling special issues, that would be even better.

What he lacked the most now was understanding the mysterious power system that exists in this world.

Although he also tried taking four steps backward in the toilet and chanting "Fu Sheng Xuan Huang Great Guy" with wishful thinking.

But it was useless, nothing happened.

The system wasn't loading, he didn't have any unexplained unknown wonders nearby, let alone any old gentlemen... Could the one in the cell count?

These past few nights, Wang Yunxiao couldn't help thinking as he fell asleep, if he were a character in a book, the author must be a pretentious literary hipster.

You could at least give me some sort of cheat, it doesn't have to be anything from the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Sect, just a little peek or a tiny advantage is fine, not too shabby.

Otherwise, you deserve to flop.

"The former Dynasty folks at the police station all have their quirks, but we just couldn't spare the time to deal with them in the past couple of years. It's high time for a change after the big issues exposed at the Nantong District branch this time. Once the new chief takes office, I'll give him a heads-up to pay close attention to the issues here."

Huo Qingyang curled his lip and said, "Qinghe Middle School is not the only portal, the Special Service Bureau can't afford to care about such minor issues. Since you dare volunteer yourself, let's see how capable you really are. I have only one request, block this entrance for me. If you can't do it, then just stick to your studies honestly, and don't go around bragging about being a navy brat with your face all puffed up!"

Wang Yunxiao asked puzzledly, "What portal? The underground air-raid shelter?"

Huo Qingyang shook his head and said, "I'll have Liu Zhihan explain it to you later, this kind of knowledge has to start from the basics, or else it's very harmful for you guys. Normally, we wouldn't involve you in this until after you've graduated from high school and developed a mature mindset. Let's take an example, do you believe that ghosts exist in this world?"

"They might?"

Although he had seen something that definitely wasn't human, Wang Yunxiao wasn't sure if his understanding of ghosts would differ from what is considered a ghost in this world.

"In the common perception of people, ghosts are the souls of the deceased that have not entered into reincarnation."

Huo Qingyang explained, "Some people believe that since there are ghosts, human misdeeds can be blamed on them. While others think that since ghosts are produced after human death, it means humans are more terrifying than ghosts."

"Different thoughts result in seeing different ghosts."