Chapter 60 The Body of Gold (5K)_3

Like an archer truly loved archery, the arrows hit their targets with incredible accuracy.

The arrow struck the right side of Bueno's head.

Bueno showed no reaction and continued to pursue the Undead around him.

"Something's wrong!" shouted the Undead who had put down his bow, "Hit his left head! His right head is fake!"

Without him needing to shout, many had already seen the head of Bueno that was hit begin to squirm, with pus flowing out of it.

Then... it split open.

"Holy shit, what is this!"

The right head of Bueno split completely open, blooming like a flower, revealing sharp teeth inside.

"Aaooh—" An invisible shockwave, accompanied by the roar of the Two-Headed People, surged out, sweeping up the wandering Undead around him, pitiful as weeds swept up in a storm. Weapons were shaken away, bodies spinning into the air.

The roaring sound waves turned into invisible waves, carrying the Undead far away.