Chapter 79 Sky Star Magic School

Black horse hooves reappeared.

This time, the figure was spotted by none other than 'Mad Secret Emissary' Renzo, who was patrolling near the Ghost Claw Tree.

When the news came, Lind was teaching two Great Knights how to use "Rage" and "Explosive Flame," but the results were mediocre.

Lind himself wondered why he could easily control the flames, yet they couldn't even manage to ignite.

Miss Mico seemed to have figured something out, but she always had that "come and ask me if you dare" expression, which made Lind resolve not to ask her.

Seeing her demeanor, he knew that controlling this power must be a good thing and not some big secret. So, it was a matter of seeing who would lose patience first.

Because of the emergency, Lind immediately assembled his team and set out.

With himself as the leader, Reed and Knight Leo had already gone out as sentinels to gather intelligence.

Marching beside Lind now was the Bunny-toothed Witch they had conscripted.