Chapter 81 Lick your Lian!

After relentless harassment and siege, the Black Knight, who had always relied on charging and trampling to win quickly, finally ran into trouble. It couldn't run anymore; it had to shake off the little things clinging onto its body as quickly as possible.

People were continually being thrown off and then climbing back on — it was destined to be a war of attrition.

And the hardest hit among them was Lind. The others simply didn't have the power to resist the Black Knight directly, and Lind himself could only fight by sustaining injuries, getting knocked over, and then standing to fight again.

If it weren't for the teamwork of the five, if it weren't for Renzo's blood flames increasingly taking control, Lind probably could've been declared officially on his way to greet the 'Grim Reaper' Za Za after just a few clashes.

The air was filled with the acrid smell of burning hair, fresh blood, and scorched earth mixed together.

Rolling black smoke once again shrouded the ground.