Chapter 127 Storm Wizard

The sun and wind, along with the acid rain, had stripped the once dazzling signpost of its golden exterior, leaving only faded golden traces on the Dragon Badge, a symbol of the royalty.

The words on it were also blurred as if someone had intentionally scratched them off with a sword.

From the look on the antlered man Lance, it was clear he had fallen into some sort of memory.

"If we follow this road south, we should reach the Great Rift Valley the lord mentioned."

"Hmm, but we should head west first."

The Great Rift Valley was unimportant, and so was the investigation. What mattered most was seizing the undead and dealing with the subordinates of the new nobility.

Compared to investigating the Great Rift Valley, which might be connected to the "Abyss," regaining strength and returning to Goliath was more attractive to them.

Heading straight west from the crossroads, a sudden sparkle of starry specks brightened up ahead.


"Don't swear!"