Chapter 150 Calamity Plague

[Star Dragon Ridge Outpost Update Announcement]

[Update 1: The stable station has now been constructed and is open for use. Undead can go there to use points to adopt a Catastrophe Warhorse or tame one themselves. Please remember, Catastrophe Warhorses require regular feeding and training, so having plenty of Star Grass fodder might save you a lot of trouble. Star Grass fodder is available for purchase in the stores.]

[Update 2: Leon City dungeon is now open, defeat the dungeon boss, Lord Leon, to successfully enable the display of the Player's Main City construction progress. Building the Main City unlocks more features and more quests.]

Long lines have already formed at the stable station.

In the past, some undead managed to obtain Catastrophe Warhorses through strength or by forcefully teaming up, but capturing one does not mean it can be ridden. Catastrophe Warhorses are also Calamity monsters, only tamed by Star Grass.