Chapter 159 The Door Can't Be Opened from This Side

The exploration of Star Ore Mine was far simpler than the Undead had anticipated.

Apart from occasionally encountering a few corpses with tragic deaths, there were no attacks.

"What if next time we introduce the plague into the BOSS dungeon, seal it off, and then wait for all the monsters inside to bleed out and die? What do you say?"

"Not such a good idea, what if it can't be controlled well?"

Many were eager to try fancy maneuvers, and there were plenty who were willing to give it a shot, since it was just a game after all.

But where could they find the source of the plague?

The bodies were gathered together, and even though the Abyssal Curse dissipated completely after death, the Calamity would still appear—they had to ensure that the Calamity wouldn't resurrect those corpses that had nothing left to drop.