Chapter 281: Red Spirit Invasion?

"Edwin, do you know why this place is called the Fox Hole, and what it has to do with the fox church?"

"Have you heard a story?"


"A fox wanted to eat the grapes hanging from the tree, but it could never reach them, so it said, 'The grapes are sour.'"

"Sour grapes? Like Aesop's fable."

"What?" Edwin clearly hadn't heard of Aesop's fables, "Aesop's fable?"

"I'm a foreigner," I Have an Early Eight pointed to himself, "My hometown has a similar story, so that's why this place is called the Fox Hole?"

"I'm not sure, but there are many versions of the story. It's said that this used to be a vineyard owned by a noble, and the grapes grown on this land were particularly suitable for making wine. However, as the noble's influence waned, some thieves settled here and took over the place. They were like rats until they were vanquished by the Knight. After that, it evolved into the Fox Hole."