Chapter 301 "High-Difficulty" Task

Raven City had undergone massive changes in its game style since Lind's arrival, with many rules and regulations forcibly altered.

Especially the military, which was restructured in the shortest time.

Undead were not allowed to join the army!

They could act as mercenaries, work by accepting quests, and earn rewards, but they could not be employed for long periods of time.

And it was impossible for them to attain certain positions in Raven City through their own efforts.

There were no complaints, though.

Life in the old Raven City was indeed harsh; awakening during the day, the undead had to remove their helmets to work and study like beasts of burden; at night, they had to put their helmets back on and patrol the city tirelessly.

It truly was a life of continuous toil in two different worlds.