Chapter 345 Children's Role Playing Game

Central Region, north of Raven City.

Newmoon Town.

Two boys and a girl, three children had just dodged a chase from George's aunt.

They circumvented the now deserted barracks, climbed up the small hill behind it, then sat down on the ground, bursting into laughter in unison.

Escaping George's aunt felt like winning a great battle.

"We have a while before Miss Inar plays the piano, should we play 'Collapse' in the meantime?" Nica, who had silver hair, suggested proactively.

Her mother had golden hair, but it was said that many children's circumstances changed when the world turned bleak years ago, and Nica was among them.

'Collapse', a game exclusive to the children of Newmoon Town, would end with them covered in dirt; despite scoldings from parents and elders, the joy was genuine.

The game might have spread to the Beehive Cottages because a child who had come with a caravan last played with them; if he took the game back with him, that is.