Chapter 442 Need a Raise_2

Lind had imagined a war that never came. The Undead, thanks to their masterful performances and unimaginable "Electronic Schemer" manner of speaking, had unexpectedly won the favor of the Lionheart King.

They frequently demonstrated their loyalty through death, always aligning with the Lionheart King.

"This lion seems to have a somewhat defective brain."

Half a day later, the entire performance team of Undead had all been promoted to squad leaders.

One day later, the Undead, through networking, flattering, and bribing, had managed to move away from the front lines. Three thousand of them had successfully infiltrated the inner workings of Lionheart Fort.

Even two hundred of them had made it directly into the main nest of the Lionheart King, undertaking significant roles.

When Scar, shaking his head to sober up, was preparing to lead the Undead to the battlefield, he discovered that all these cannon fodder Undead had blinked their way to promotions.