He quickly sent several private messages to Sydney's brother.
Sydney's brother stepped forward with a provocative tone, "Everyone, remember what I said before? There are greedy people inside Lionheart Fort who harm the Lionheart King's interests. We've received the king's orders to form a capture society, and tonight is the time to net them all. Everyone who participates in the successful operation will be rewarded by the king!"
The Beastmen taken short, rapid breaths.
They had seen clearly how favored the Undead had been recently, and this group included Sydney's most loyal followers, making them all the more credulous of his words.
Just like that, a "capture society" was established on the spot.
Sydney's brother and the others led these Beastmen into action within Lionheart Fort. Other Beastmen initially doubted it, but upon seeing dozens of familiar powerhouses joining in, they concluded it must be all right.