The being before him was the Beastmaster, but it more resembled prey that had been cornered and could no longer escape.
Mercy was unnecessary.
From the beginning, Lind had not intended to submit to the Beastmaster. He preferred working with the Lady of the Night, and now the same choice lay before the Beastmaster.
Work together as equals, or die and be reborn endlessly.
Soralis charged toward Lind, finally sensing something amiss. As a Beastman, her speed wasn't slow, but Lind's downward strike was faster than her charge.
"Why do you have to do this?" Soralis bared her fangs, emitting a beastly rumble from her throat, wishing only to summon Ull to her side.
Though she wasn't confident that Ull could stop Lind's sword, Lind's victory in this war was too dazzling; it was a feat never before achieved at the Beast Sacrificial Ground, a merit so powerful it seemed like a shield worn on the body, intimidating others from even daring to draw their swords.