Chapter 458 The Black Knight Army Arrives

Magic Land, southwest, Gravel Mountain Range.

The Beast Tide surged once more.

The various powers quickly assembled, having long prepared themselves for a hard fight, with no other choice but to resist unto death.

Behind them lay the Eternal Summer Nest, the defensive line for residents of the Gravel Mountain Range.

The village's giant Blacksmith shouldered a large sword, his finger joints tensing on the handle. As the war dragged on, their deaths mounted, but so too did the number of giant beasts on the Gravel Mountain Range side. As one side diminished, the other grew; not just Blacksmiths, but even the Maids in taverns had no choice but to take up long spears and enter the battlefield.

Fear flickered in their eyes, along with a fervent battle will, their blood already beginning to boil.