Chapter 36: Silver-Tongued


The panel unfolded in front of Cassius.

[You have breached another's psyche with your words, achieving the feat "Silver-Tongued"]

Achievement "Silver-Tongued"

"My tongue can be a thorny rose or a sword dipped in poison—it all depends on your choice—from an unnamed Hell Devil."

Gained Passive Trait: "Smooth Talker"

Persuasion +6, Deception +4, an additional spell "Suggestion Spell" gained

You are a rare Smooth Talker, relying on words as your greatest support. Your eloquence can make anyone brave the fiery pits for you. Your sophistry can cover up any crime. Your words can turn right into wrong, plunging the world into chaos.

"Suggestion Spell"

A 2nd-level enchantment spell

You magically influence a creature within casting distance that you can see, and suggest a course of action to it (your suggestion must be worded in such a manner that the action sounds reasonable).