Chapter 41 Bloodline Gift (4)


Cassius called out the next name.

As the military chief of Ashen Nest, and also the designer of the trenches, fences, gates, guard towers, and pits at Rock Fortress, Dolores indeed needed to gain some strength as a guarantee.

The Goblin Chieftain breathed a sigh of relief.

This at least proved that his status within Ashen Nest hadn't fallen by much—after all, these creatures' love for power was even greater than their fervor for war.

Dolores climbed onto the boulder, waiting on one knee.

Blood surged into his mouth.


This was the only sensation the Great Goblin felt.

The blood entered his throat like boiling magma, churning within him, searing every inch of his body; he finally understood Ramp's pain.

But he still trembled violently while maintaining the kneeling posture, clenching his teeth so hard they were almost crushed.

"I won't die here."

"I must climb higher—at least higher than that stupid Ogre."