Chapter 67: Internal Test (Part 1)

[The internal test is about to start, retrieving data…]

[Data retrieval complete, internal test duration: 365 days]

[Countdown to the start of the internal test: 3 days]

"Internal test."

"It's finally coming."

Cassius gazed at the information on his panel, expectantly exhaling a burst of flame.

He vaguely remembered that there was an internal test event in his previous life, but he wasn't clear about the specific timing, as he was not one of those lucky enough to have drawn an internal test account.

Moreover, "Erezer" was virtually unknown at the beginning, with the officials not conducting any commercial promotion, simply posting a purchasing link for gaming pods on the official website. It was later due to the high quality of the game that it broke out of its obscurity and ultimately became a global sensation.