Chapter 8: Surge of Contributions


Mantou's videos and Singo's strategies caused a huge stir among the player community. The 10 limited-edition [Mysterious Invitations] in the trading post were already sold out.

The big guilds all declared that they would stop pretending and started monopolizing the previously ignored faction contribution quests, while the money quests were left in the dust.

So, the players set off on a frenzy of chasing faction contributions, working tirelessly day and night for free for Cassius, with the task board even being looted.

"Let me be a dragon vein sorcerer!"

"I want to be a dragon knight!"

"Ahhh! Give me divine gear!"

"The sky is a man's romance!"

Excited players shouting these slogans appeared in the mines, beside the city walls, on rooftops, and even beside dung heaps.

Even Mezulash was struck by the players' overwhelming enthusiasm for work, rushing to create many new tasks.