Suddenly, Jezarslack turned his head, staring intently at the incarnation of the Red Dragon. His deep eyes exuded an endless coldness.
"What... are you looking at?"
The roaring wind howled in the void, chaotic fog spilled like rapids, and behind his thin body appeared a vast, twisted winged shadow.
The resonating roars echoed from the void.
That gaze seemed to pierce through the incarnation, traversing the passage between the Prime Material World and the star realm, making Cassius feel a coldness as if he had fallen into an ice cave—tearing apart the veil of deceit, this was the true strength of a once demon lord. Even the simplest look was enough to drive mortals mad.
Cassius fortified his mental barriers and said through gritted teeth, "Just observing your strength, to see if you are worthy of cooperation with me."