Chapter 33: We Are the Police, Can We Be Afraid of Prisoners?

"There has been progress in the major shooting case that occurred in the Tepito District the other day, the leader, Zuvich Delagan, nicknamed 'Desert Ant,' has been killed by the police! He was a member of the 'Barbaric Samurai' gang, and the police are now issuing warrants for the rest of the gang members."

From the television, the female reporter's voice came through.

In the dining hall, quite a few jail guards looked up and whispered to each other.

Casare paused when he heard the broadcast, but continued to pick at his sausage and pig's trotters rice.

Victor propped his elbows on the table, lit a cigarette, took a drag, then passed it to Casare, who puffed out his cheeks and said, "Take a hit."

The other man didn't take it, so Victor stood up and stuffed the cigarette into his mouth.

"I know you're in a bad mood, but he was asking for it. You can't blame anyone else.