Chapter 37: Is a 37mm Caliber Considered a Cannon?

The sudden turn of events terrified the girls.

Panicking, they tried to run outside, but Casare had blocked the door, so they could only shiver and huddle to one side.

In Mexico, being a prostitute wasn't safe; one could be embroiled in vendettas at any time.

Earning a bit of money was truly not easy.

Victor drove a shard of glass directly into Wilbert's thigh, "I'll ask one more time, who did it!!"

"Olivier, it was Olivier!" Wilbert screamed in terror, his expression filled with horror.

Dammit, who just comes up and starts a fight?

Don't I just want some money?

If you want a free ride, just say it outright, would I disagree?

"Which Olivier?" Best frowned and asked.

"Tezcatlipoca's lot, he's out for revenge because you guys killed his only brother!"

Best nodded slowly at Victor, "I think I know where they are."

"So this guy is useless now, right?"