Chapter 92: Call Me Victor... General?!

Nickname: Sitting atop the SA34 "Little Antelope" was Vayeback Diouf, who belonged to a South African mercenary company named EO! (Executive Outcomes!)

They didn't care who the customer was, as long as you paid, all you had to consider was how you wanted to sit in the seat you desired.

They had participated in numerous coups, with ample combat experience.

"I hate the ocean!" Vayeback muttered, looking down at the churning waves below, his name a clear indication that he was suited for desert warfare.

"Proceed according to plan, Strong Sailor, breach from the northwest corner of the island and establish a firebase there, and don't go too deep!" he instructed through his headset.

"Got it!"

They saw a Bell 214 heading towards the designated spot.

The mercenary known as Strong Sailor grabbed onto the handrail, bold and daring as he leaned out, squinting around before gesturing to the pilot to descend to the ground below.

"All ready!"