Chapter 136: Victor Makes Everyone Smile.

Secretary Ajit shuddered.

Assassinate Cuauhtémoc?

Another assassination?

Humans, when reason fails, always think of resorting to violence first.

Carlos had ascended to power through fraud, forcing voters to change their ballots to his favor with drug traffickers' armed threats, and if that didn't work, he would escalate his actions and kill his rivals!

During his time in politics, Quintero had taken out more than 70 opponents for him, otherwise why would the media joke about him being "the luckiest president in Mexico's history"?

When he ran for legislator, an opposing candidate had drowned in a bathtub at home... A big guy of 189 centimeters tall, and then drowned at home.

There was also a politician who had accused him on TV of having ties with drug traffickers who was run over by a large truck on his way home one night... all four members of his family were killed.

Such incidents were numerous.

Eliminating opponents meant no more competition for him.