Chapter 6: Silent Wars

"Iris, we found him," her father said, his voice heavy with a mix of relief and tension. "This is the man from the footage."

The man sneered. "You have no proof. You can't hold me here."

Noah stepped forward, his gaze cold. "We have enough evidence to keep you here for now. You'll talk, one way or another."

Iris felt a surge of anger and fear. This was the person who had been haunting her thoughts, the one responsible for the accident and the chaos that followed. She wanted answers, but the sight of the man made her skin crawl.

Her father placed a hand on her shoulder, guiding her to a chair. "We need to question him, Iris. If there's anything you remember, anything that can help us, now is the time."

Iris nodded, her mind racing. She sat down, trying to gather her thoughts. "Why did you do it?" she asked, her voice trembling but firm. "Why were you there that night?"

The man smirked, his eyes glinting with malice. "You really think I'm going to tell you, kid? You have no idea what's going on."

Noah's patience was wearing thin. He stepped forward, his tone menacing. "You can either cooperate now, or things can get a lot worse for you. Your choice."

For a moment, the man seemed to consider his options. Finally, he sighed, his bravado faltering. "Fine. But I'm not saying much without a deal."

Dain exchanged a look with Noah, then nodded. "We'll consider a deal. But first, tell us why you were there."

The man leaned back, a hint of fear creeping into his eyes. "I was paid. That's all. Someone wanted information on your company, and I was supposed to get it."

Iris felt a chill run down her spine. "Who paid you?"

The man hesitated, then shook his head. "I don't know. It was all through intermediaries. But they were serious, and they had a lot of money."

Noah pressed further. "What were you supposed to find?"

"Anything that could give them leverage. Financial records, personal details, anything to use against you."

The room fell silent as the gravity of the situation sank in. This was more than just a simple break-in. Someone was targeting their family and their company, and they were willing to go to great lengths to get what they wanted.

Dain's expression hardened. "Whoever is behind this, we'll find them. And they'll pay for what they've done."

Noah stepped closer, his eyes narrowing. "Why did Iris get hit by the truck? Why target her specifically?"

The man's smirk returned, though it was tinged with bitterness. "That was a warning. To show you how serious they were. They wanted to destabilize you, make you afraid. Iris was an easy target because they knew it would shake your family to the core."

Iris's breath caught in her throat. "Who are they? Why do they want to bring us down?"

The man leaned forward, his expression deadly serious. "They want Nexus Mobile to fall. Your company is a threat to their interests, and they'll do whatever it takes to see it crumble."

The name hit Iris like a physical blow. Nexus Mobile, her family's company, had always been a source of pride. Now, it was the reason behind the turmoil that had turned her life upside down.

The interrogation continued for hours, with the man revealing bits and pieces of information. It was clear he was a small player in a much larger game, but every detail he provided brought them closer to the truth.

As the night wore on, Iris felt a mixture of exhaustion and resolve. The shadowy figure might have been captured, but the real battle was just beginning. She knew she had to stay strong, not just for herself, but for her family and everyone who depended on them.

Back in her room, Iris sat on her bed, her thoughts racing. The gala with Alex, the pressure from her studies, the investigation—it all seemed overwhelming. But for the first time in a long while, she felt a flicker of hope. They had a lead, and with perseverance, they would uncover the truth.

As she drifted off to sleep, clutching her locket, Iris knew that the road ahead would be tough. But she was determined to face whatever came her way, armed with the knowledge that she was not alone.

The next day, Iris went downstairs for breakfast. Everyone was silently eating. Iris greeted them and took her seat.

She felt a little awkward as she was not used to eating with everyone. Suddenly, her father cleared his throat and said, "The man's name is Oliver. He is under police custody. We may get some information out of him."

"That's good. We can't afford any loss to the company because of this girl," said Noah, while Dain nodded in agreement.

Iris was used to insults, so she didn't show any emotions. No one ever took her side.

They finished their breakfast and departed for school. The three of them got out of the car and headed to class.

Iris was not tense. She could easily defend herself if anyone were to attack her.

As she was walking to class, she met Rachel.

Rachel spotted Iris approaching and waved. "Hey, Iris! How are you holding up?"

Iris gave a small nod. "I'm fine. Just another day."

Rachel fell into step beside her. "Anything new happening at home?"

Iris glanced around to ensure no one was listening. "Nothing much. Just the usual."

Rachel raised an eyebrow. "You sure? You seem a bit distracted."

Iris hesitated, then spoke in a low voice. "There's some trouble with the company. But it's being handled."

Rachel's eyes widened. "Trouble? What kind of trouble?"

Iris shook her head slightly. "It's...nothing."

Rachel nodded, respecting her friend's privacy. "Got it. If you ever need to talk, you know I'm here."

"Thanks, Rachel. I appreciate that," Iris said, her voice softening.

Rachel grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "Anyway, it's time for the class let's sit together today."

In class, Iris walked to her usual seat only to find it already occupied by Ethan nest to Alex. She was going to sit with Rachel anyway. She made her way over and sat down, exchanging a quick nod with Alex.

As the class settled, Mr. Lawrence stepped to the front and announced, "There will be a trip held next week. Each of you will need to get a permission slip signed by your parents." He then began handing out forms to everyone.

Iris took the form and glanced at it, her thoughts immediately drifting to her father. She knew he would likely refuse to let her go, citing the recent threats against their family and his constant worry for her safety. But Iris was resolute; she knew she could handle any situation that came her way.

Rachel leaned over and whispered, "Think your dad will let you go?"

Iris gave a small, tight-lipped smile. "Probably not," she replied. "But I'll figure something out."

Rachel raised an eyebrow. "You always do," she said, with a hint of admiration in her voice.

The cafeteria was abuzz with chatter as students gathered for lunch. The familiar faces of Alex, Ethan, and Diego were already seated at a table.

Iris and Rachel made their way towards them, their steps hesitant.

"Hey ladies," Ethan greeted them with a grin. "Care to join us?"

Iris nodded, while Rachel hesitated for a moment before taking a seat beside her. Diego, as usual, remained silent, his gaze fixed on his food.

"So, what's the buzz about the trip?" Ethan asked, leaning forward. "Anyone excited?"

A chorus of excited murmurs erupted from the table. Rachel's eyes lit up. "I'm so pumped! I've been wanting to go on a school trip for ages."

Iris forced a smile. "It sounds fun," she replied, trying to hide her disappointment.

Alex noticed the change in her expression.

"What's wrong, Iris? You don't seem too thrilled."

Iris hesitated, unsure of how to respond. She didn't want to bring up her father's disapproval, especially in front of everyone.

"It's nothing," she said finally, hoping to change the subject. "I'm just not sure if I can go."

"Why not?" Ethan asked, his eyebrows raised. "Everyone's going."

Iris glanced at Rachel, who nodded encouragingly. "It's just..." she started, but couldn't find the right words.

Diego, who had been unusually quiet, suddenly spoke up. "Maybe her parents won't let her go."

Iris was surprised by his sudden outburst. She glanced at him, grateful for his support.

"Yeah, that's it," she said, relieved. "My father might not let me go."

Alex leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Well, we can't let that stop you. We'll figure something out."

"Just ask him once. Your brothers must be going so they might let you go too....maybe" said Diego.

"That's something that anyone would do but it's a point. But, let it be.. I better not go against him." Said Iris.

Rachel hugged her giving her sympathy."hey just believe it." Said Alex. Iris don't quite understand but nodded.