chapter 2

Five minutes after Sergio left the castle with his guards, a bike and a car rode in roughly, and immediately the bike screeched to a stop, the rider took off her helmet, and her red hair poured all the way to her shoulder.

She was looking ruthlessly fierce as she got down from the bike, her face so intimidating with several scars.

Three more people came down from the car. A lady and two guys.

They're the four top guards here who go on missions for the organization.

The bike girl is Aurora, a junkie who can't go on a mission without sniffing cocaine, a sharp shooter and a deadly fighter. She's always alone, hates everyone including herself.

The second girl is Sofia, the evil witch who's always ready to kill, she hates Mia.

The first guy is Armani, the calm fighter who's addicted to lollipop.

The second guy is Ghost, an arrogant fighter who hates people who're better than he is, he's close to Sofia.

They obviously just returned from a mission cos of the tiredness on their faces.

Aurora was the first to go in, and Sofia scoffed immediately.

"The fact that she always feels bigger than everyone, I f**king hate her" she said, and Aurora's helmet came flying out immediately, hitting her hard on the forehead.

"F**k!" Sofia groaned as she fell heavily on the ground with a bleeding forehead.

"I have plans to kill you without anyone's knowledge very soon, don't push your luck" Aurora's cold voice said from the door, and she went in completely.

Armani smiled and went in after her.

"Aurora!!!!!" Sofia screamed, standing with a bloody forehead.

"You should have kept in your thoughts" Ghost laughed.

"You have no right to laugh!" Sofia snapped and stormed in.

"Her temper" Ghost muttered.



Reading her favorite book and drinking the yogurt with it feels so good that Mia even forgot about Romeo for the moment.

She was smiling beautifully, rubbing her small toes on each other as she enjoyed, but it was interrupted by a knock on the door again.

"Romeo?" She quickly stood and opened the door only to meet the castle maid. Lady Patricia.

"La colazione è pronta, signorina (Breakfast is ready, miss)" she said.

"Is father waiting already?" Mia asked with a fret.

"No, he's out of the castle right now so you'd be eating alone" Patricia replied.

"Alone in the big dinning? Where's Romeo?" Her eyes widened.

"He left a some minutes ago" Patricia replied.

"That jerk, I shouldn't have received his bribe, he left me again" she muttered, shutting her door sadly.

She began following Patricia down the guarded corridor, and they had barely walked half of it when Sofia appeared.

"Leave her to me, she needs to do something for me" she smiled ominously.

Her forehead is plastered.

"But I have to bring her to the dinning before her food gets cold" Patricia replied, and Sofia immediately turned aroud, giving her a jab-kick on the face.

Patricia fell and passed out on the ground, and Mia gasped.

"What do you think you're doing!"

"Follow me" Sofia ordered and began leaving.

Mia looked at unconscious Patricia one more time before following her.

Sofia took her to her room, and she met a pile of underwear waiting on the ground. Panties, bras, thongs and lots more.

"You're to hand wash all these under my supervision" she said.

Mia looked at the pile defiantly and began gathering spit in her mouth.

"You need a slap to make you move your feet?" Sofia smirked, and that was when Mia released all the spit in her mouth, directly on the pile.

"I won't" she said and began walking out of the room.

Sofia smiled cruelly and grabbed a belt from the bed.

She threw it forward, wrapping it around Mia's neck.

"Argh!!" Mia struggled as she pulled her back with it, and she began bleeding from the corner of her lips.

"Boss warned us not to kill you, but yunno what? We're free to use you anyway we dim fit! You might be his daughter but you're insignificant in here! So if you don't wanna bleed more, get to work!" Sofia spat in her ear as she spit out blood.



A pretty girl was sitting on the bed with a slight pout on her lips when the door suddenly pushed open.

She jumped down from the bed immediately, and Franklin came in.

"Franklin! I knew it's you! Franklin!!" She shouted abnormally, waving her hands in the air.

Franklin's face was expressionless as usual as he walked to help her back to bed.

"You're back, Franklin" she smiled dumbly, and he wiped the crumbs of rice on her lips before sighing.

"Told you to stop jumping down from the bed Serafina, the slightest stress is dangerous for your health" he said sternly, and she nodded.

"I won't do it again"

"You always make empty promises, just relax" he replied, and she rested back on the bed.

He began covering her with the cover clothe.

Serafina has been dumb since she grew up, and despite the fact that she's 20, she still behaves like a kid.

It got more complicated when he found out six months ago that she's in the last stage of cirrhosis, and without a liver transplant, she's gonna die soon.

She has been on the waiting list since then, but no luck came, and she has to stay in the hospital so her condition won't worsen before a donor would be found.

Paying the bills hasn't been easy, he's owing the hospital four months payment, and he's been working his @ss off to make up, but it's just not working.

Their parents died long ago, so it's just the two of them, and it has been tough.

"Franklin, I want...I want..." Serafina said in her baby voice after he finished covering her.

"Want what?" He asked attentively, his deep voice so enchanting as he stared down at her.

"A red teddy" she blinked, and he sighed, stroking her hair with a little smile.

"I'll be right back"

She nodded like a child, and he left the ward.



Sergio is still currently on his way to the hospital with his entourage of guards.

He's riding in a limousine with just his driver, then his guards trailed behind and before him using four other cars.

He's smoking sinisterly at the backseat of the limo, looking like a demon as the smokes escaped his nostrils too.

The ringing of his phone made him dart his eyes to his chest pocket where his phone is.

His eyes flicked when he saw it's Barnabas, his consigliere (advisor)

"Yes?" His thick husky voice penetrated into the cell when he picked.

"Anthony got a whiff of your movement and I'm sure he's gonna make a move!" Barnabas shouted.

"What the hell!" Sergio ditched the pipe he's smoking, and almost immediately, one of his guards car that's coming behind blew up, somersaulting before landing on the second one which blew up too

"F**k! Anthony" Sergio muttered, and before a blink, the remaining two cars containing guards in front of him blew up too, creating a total mess on the road as everyone began running to safety.

"Stop the car" Sergio told his driver, and he halted.

Sergio literally jumped out of the car, and immediately he did, the limo blew up together with the driver, and a giant man came out of another limo at the same time.

Sergio smirked madly, and his anger built as he recognized him as his greatest enemy, Anthony Costello!

Anthony was grinning loudly as he walked towards him with his girls... His castle is made up of only girls, muscled ones.

"Bastard!!! You should have faced me heads on and not stoop this low!" Sergio barked and made to get his gun, but his eyes widened when he couldn't find it, it got bombed with the car!

"Shit" he muttered as death flashed in his eyes, but a taxi suddenly stopped roughly beside him, and the front door opened quick.

"Get in!" The masked driver said, and without waiting one more sec to guess who he is, Sergio hopped in breathlessly, and the rough drive began.

The tyres screeched loudly as the masked guy sped off insanely, and the most interesting past is that he drives with an hand, crazy!

"On his tail!" Anthony ordered, and his girls ranto their cars, getting back in.

Anthony reentered his limo, and they began chasing the taxi hotly.