Not signing!

Serena looked out of the window in amazement. Since knowing she almost died made her appreciate everything so much more. She was so happy, that she even ignored the silent glaring man sitting beside her. It wasn't her fault that he had to go shopping! 

Did he really expect her to go out in front of so many reporters dressed in a hospital gown? Of course she had refused to go with him and made him buy clothes for her! For a man, he even knew her size so well! 

She should be the one angry about that!

Just then, the car slowed down and Serena could not help but frown. They were no longer looking at new and pretty high rises, but old neglected buildings. The car came to a halt, and Serena's frown deepened. 

She glanced at the silent man beside her, who continued to look straight ahead, his expression unreadable. The building outside seemed to be in an even worse state than the others. 

And when the driver announced," We are here." She could not help but widen her eyes.

"You live here?"

As expected, the man gaveher a disdaining glance,,"YOU live here."

Serena's eyes widened in disbelief as she processed the man's words. "You're kidding, right? I don't live here. There must be some mistake."

Instead of answering, he leaned over, unsnapping the seat belt and pushed open the door for her in one swift motion, and ordering, "Get out. You're expected."

"I'm not going!" Serena protested, clutching the seatbelt as if it were a lifeline. "This place looks awful. I refuse to get out!"

The man's patience snapped. He stepped out, walked around to her side, and lifted Serena bodily out of the car. Then, leaving her there, he moved to get into the car but before he could, she caught his arm,"No! You can't leave me here! This isn't right! Husband! How can you do this to your wife?"

"Stop with the acting. No one's going to come to your rescue."

Quickly, she looked around and realized what he said was true. A few passersby glanced their way with mild curiosity but quickly returned to their business, seemingly indifferent to her distress. 

Well, she would not give up!

"You are a famous business tycoon! What do you think the press will say when they find out that you casted your sick wife out? I know someone here will record the thing and sell it to the media for a high price! Just you wait Aiden! you are the..."

As expected, a few people began pulling out their camera phones, sensing an opportunity…Before she could say more or announce his name, Aiden quickly covered her mouth with his hand and pushed her back into the car.

Once inside, the man glared at her.He gripped her wrist tightly, his eyes blazing with anger. "Don't ever pull a stunt like that again," he warned, his voice low and menacing.

She tried to pull her hand away, but his grip tightened. "You think you're clever, don't you? Trying to use the media against me? Be careful, Serena ... Your tricks will run out some day."

Serena glared at him," I wouldn't have to use tricks if you didn't try to shirk your responsibility."


"Here, sign these."

Serena eyed the file that the man placed in front of her as if it had personally offended her. Without bothering to open it, she fixed her glare on Aiden. 

"What is this?" 

After he tried to abandon her the man had brought her here to this isolated office. Now he wanted her to sign some random papers? As if she would!

"You've forgotten how to read after the accident?" he replied, his tone infuriatingly smug.

With a huff, she opened the file and frowned. The document seemed endless, filled with legal jargon and terms that made her head spin. However, it didn't take her long to recognize what it was. "This is an agreement for us to live together as husband and wife for the next year," she stated, looking up at him with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

Serena read the documents carefully. The terms were actually reasonable... not bad. But she didn't like this man. Throwing aside the file, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "I won't sign it."

The man narrowed his eyes at her and Serena felt extreme satisfaction! How dare he kiss her and then not let her slap him for it!

"Why not?"

"First, I need you to answer a few questions. Like, why did you need a 'dead' wife? I mean, you seem fine—you look okay, you kiss okay, and judging by your clothes, you earn okay too. So, why not marry a woman who's actually alive? Do you have some sort of unspeakable disease?"

"That is none of your business."

She pouted, crossing her arms defiantly. "Then I'm not signing anything, and I definitely won't go with you."

Aiden looked at the woman on the bed and wondered the same thing. What was wrong with him that he had chosen her to be his wife?

"Need I remind you that you are the one who begged me to help her?"

"I remember it.. That conversation happened after I got into the accident, after all. But things have changed a bit, husband. Now, many people know me as your beloved wife who is now awake. And your grandmother has also accepted me. So, I can move into your house without signing these papers, can't I? Why go to all this trouble then?"

"You think this is a game, Serena? You think you can just waltz in and do whatever you want without any consequences?"

"I'm just trying to find out the consequences for myself. You needed a dead woman so what is to say that you won't try to kill me?" Immediately her demeanor changed from argumentative to vulnerable, making Aiden stare at her in wonder again. She could change faster than a chameleon.

With a sigh, he answered her, "I don't need you dead. My grandmother has been adamant about me getting a wife, something I don't need or want. I planned to let you 'die' and..."

"Play the grieving lover?" Unexpectedly, Serena giggled, making him blink in surprise.

Covering her mouth, she shook her head. "Just for this, I would die to watch how you grieve. Can you give me a demo?"

Aiden's eyes narrowed, annoyance flashing across his face. "This isn't a joke, Serena."

She dropped her hand, her giggles subsiding into a smirk. "Oh, I know. But if we're going to do this, we might as well find some humor in it, right? So, what was the plan? You played the devastated husband while I lay in a coffin? Were you going to cry? Or were you going to be the strong and silent type?"

This caused her to go into another fit of laughter as she imagined this man, crying. Aiden sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "The plan was to keep my grandmother happy without actually getting entangled in a real marriage. You were supposed to be a convenient solution."

Serena's expression softened slightly. "So, this is really about your grandmother?"

"Yes," Aiden admitted, his tone more sincere. "She's been through a lot. I didn't want to disappoint her, but I also didn't want to be forced into a marriage I didn't want."

Serena considered this for a moment, then sighed. "Alright, I get it. I'll sign these papers for grandmother. But if you want me to go along with this, I need some assurances. You have to promise me that I won't actually end up dead in this arrangement."

Aiden's lips twitched but he quickly composed himself, "You have my word. You won't end up dead."

"And help me find my identity? Is that also a promise you can make?"