Chapter 1-6

Amber's appearance went back to normal as the smoke around her cleard.

I was speechless, both amazed and terrified of what had happened.

This beautiful woman just saved me, twice 

From Demons?!

Or creatures or I don't know what to call them

Plus I don't even know if she's even human herself 

The things she did, seemed like stuff straight out of a comic book. 

Amber: Eddie, you still with me

You're just staring,and it's kinda creeping me out

Eddie: oh, yeah sorry 

Amber: It's ok considering what you just saw, it's completely understandable.

Amber: You probably have some questions 

Eddie: A lot, a lot of questions 

Amber looked at a watch on her rest

Amber: We don't have much time so ask me 3 and I'll answer them

Eddie: Ok, so what were those things and why were they after me 

Amber: Those were shadow demons, embodiments of the devil's cruel and twisted mind

Creatures made from pure evil and hatred sent to carry out their masters fantasy

And they're after you because of this

Amber grabbed my hand and turned it over

You bear the spiritual marking of a disciple 

In turn making you a crucial part of our Lords salvation plan.

But also making you a target for all that is evil and unholy in the Devil's playground. 

Eddie: But, this has to be a mistake, I was just hanging out with my friends 

We were just trying to have a good time and get a tattoo.

I never meant for any of this to happen

I didn't mean to get in the way of God's plans 

I'm sorry, please take whatever it is I got from the tattoo shop and give it to someone more qualified.

Amber: Hey, Hey, hey calm down 

The Lord doesn't make mistakes, he chose you and your friends for a reason.

Because he knew you were strong enough to handle it

He would never put more on you the you can bear

Never forget that 

Eddie: I understand that, in a day to day life but demons, creatures, 


Eddie: How can I compete with any of that

Amber: You won't do it alone, through prayer and the help of your friends 

You will achieve more than you could ever imagine 

Eddie: But I'm terrified 

Amber: I am too, but running away from your destiny isn't going to make you less afraid.

It could actually make you have more regrets.

Eddie: I guess you're right 

Amber: Yeah, I know 

Eddie: Damn, cocky ass, don't get a big head about it

Amber: well considering I just saved your sorry ass, I think I deserve a little praise.

Eddie: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah I know 

You're right 

Thank you, Amber for saving my life

Amber: Twice, but who's counting, right 

Eddie: That wasn't needed, but yes

Thank you for saving my life twice 

Amber: You are so welcome Eddie, maybe next time I let you lead 

I laughed 

Eddie: Yeah whatever, you can have all of that, don't let me stand in your way

Amber laughed, then looked at her watch 

Amber: Damn times almost up, you still have one more question you can ask me.

Eddie: Right, ok, earlier before you fought with the Thorn you said you had got the timelines mixed up, what did you mean by that.

Amber: Wow, I'm surprised you remember the demons name, Very good

Eddie: I try, I try

Amber:But yes, you see I am what's known as an Angel of Time 

Meaning my ability's allows me to see the future in my dreams, but only peaces 

Which is how I know you needed my help with these demons.

But last night was an unusual dream, it was us somewhere different from where we are now 

You were facing yourself and I stood by your side.

You had powers far beyond what you could do now, even surpassing my own. 

But even with this your appoinent was still stronger then the both of us put together, with abilities I had never even heard of.

Horrifying sights of angels lifeless bodies surrounded the battle field, and he just stood there, laughing 

Amber paused for a moment 

Eddie: What happened 

Amber: I don't know, I woke up

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Amber's watch went off

Amber: Damn, times up

I have to take you back

Eddie: Wait what!? 

Back where

Amber: To your house, don't worry your friends will find you tomorrow.

Eddie: Ok but why 

Amber: Because that's what happens in my dream 

Eddie: Ok fine but will I ever see you again

Amber: You will but you won't remember me, you won't even remember what happened here tonight.

Eddie: You're joking right, a beautiful woman like you is pretty hard to forget about.

And I couldn't forget about those demons even if I wanted to.

Amber: You will when I erase your memory.

Eddie: No, What, why!?

Amber: Because you're not even suppose to know I exist, it's safer that way

Eddie: I understand 

Amber: Oh, one more thing, to unlock your base ability you will need to say this word


Eddie: Ok, Deliver...

Amber: NO! 

Stupid not right now

When you're in danger.

I laughed 

Eddie: Oh, my bad 

She laughed as she prepared to erase my memory 

Amber: You will remember this word when you need it.

Eddie: Understood 

Amber: Alright, you ready?

Eddie: Yeah, I guess 

Amber: Any last words?

Eddie: How about a kiss

Amber: No 

Eddie: Well I tried, Alright I'm ready 

Amber: Ok close your eyes

Eddie: Ok, go easy on me it's my first time

We both laughed 

Amber: Boy, Shut up

Amber placed her index finger on my forehead 

Amber: Forget

As soon as she said it I collapsed, but she cought me before I could hit the ground 

She put me back on the ground at my place then left.

Amber: Take care, Eddie