We had just arrived at the fair but before we could even walk in, we were shocked to see even more missing person's photos along the gate of the fair
Eddie: Damn, so many people
Mike: Yeah, A hell of a lot
J: What the hell is going on
Isaac: I don't know, but this is crazy
Family: There they are
Family: Hey guys!!!
All of us: Hey
Our family's distracted us from realizing how serious, and dangerous, everything had gotten
We left the gate, and went in
We took the time to reconnect with everyone, sharing laughes and catching up.
After that we all got in our own little groups, and went our separate ways
The boys and I enjoyed ourselves, with bumper cars being first on our list
Next we got on a few rides, and took part in some of the many fair games
We even won a few prizes
We had no intentions of slowing down
Them: Hey, What's going on!!
...We were stopped by three of our old classmates
The First guy was an old friend,Anthony
Who we'd lost connection with, after high school.
The second guy was Ozben
Who everyone was ok with but Isaac.
They had bad history.
But the last guy (Jevon) no one really liked him.
He was self centered and a smart ass, which in turn made him really annoying to be around
Anthony: what's up guys, how you been.
All: Good
Anthony: Yo, I can't believe you guys are still really good friends.
Eddie: Yeah, I see you made a few as well
Anthony: Yeah, turns out we all had a lot in common
J: Glad to hear it
Ozben: You know who else we saw
Mike: Who?
Ozben: Sam
Isaac: Damn really
Jevon: Yeah, Like last week end
Eddie: Wow, that's crazy
We saw him just last night
Anthony: Really, small world
Anthony: Well we gotta go, we got other plans and we wouldn't want to be late.
Ozben: Oh right yeah
Jevon: Hey we should all hang out sometime.
J: Maybe one day
Isaac: I don't know, we work a lot
Eddie: Yeah we do but, I'm sure we can make something happen
Hey give me your numbers and we'll hit you up when we have some free time
Jevon: Ok yeah, sounds good
We got there numbers then said our goodbyes
Isaac: Y did you get there numbers I'm not tryin to hang out with them.
Mike: Maybe Anthony
Isaac: Yeah but that's it
J: Right
Eddie: I had to, it was the only way to cut things short otherwise we would have been talkin to them all damn day
Isaac: You ain't liein
J: Wow
Mike: Ok so what's next
Eddie: Food, I'm really hungry
Isaac: Yeah me too
Eddie: Alright, it's settled
Concession stand it is!!
On or way to the lines, one of the fair games caught my attention
A balloon popping game
It gave me a great Idea
Eddie: Hey guys, let's make a bet
Who ever pops the least amount of balloons, has to pay for everyone's food
And bring it all back to the table
But no more then three food items each and a drink
Isaac: I'm down
J: Yeah I'm in
Mike: Well one of you guys might as while pay, because I'm not losing
Eddie: Yeah,what ever
We gone see
We we're each given ten darts, that's ten trys to pop as many as we could
We took turns, and what started as a fun little bet, quickly became a high steak competition
J went first, and ended up popping
Six out of ten
Eddie: Ok, not bad
Isaac: Yeah bro, good job
J: Thanks, I feel good about that
Mike: You shouldn't, you're ass
J: Ok, your turn, let's see if you can do better
Mike: Watch out, let me show you how it's done
Mike took his turn and took the lead, by popping eight out of ten
We congratulated Mike on his win and continued
Isaac went next, with him unfortunately winning first place in losing the bet
By popping five out of ten balloons
Isaac: DAMN IT
Isaac: SHUT UP
J: Bro, I'm not gonna lie, you had me worried for a second
Isaac: Let me go again
Eddie: Hell No
If we let you go again, everyone's gonna want to
Mike: Yeah, plus you wouldn't want to embarrasse yourself a second time
Eddie: But, hey, you didn't lose yet
I still gotta go, then you can pay for everything.
Isaac: What ever bro, just take your turn
Everyone became lazer focused as I took my turn.
Every throw increasingly became more nerve recking
I paused for a moment after popping five balloons
I had two darts left, I took a deep breath then continued
And just like that my turn was over, with my final score being seven out of ten
Mike: Good shit, I'm still better though
Eddie: Well Isaac, you lose bro
Isaac: I know
Eddie: It's ok bro I'll at least help you bring the food back
Isaac: Ok thanks, bro
Eddie: No problem
Isaac: Alright tell me what y'all want
We all took turns giving Isaac our order
When we were finished, Me and Isaac placed the order then waited for it to come out.
Eddie: That's us
The man brought out two trays of food
Isaac reached his hand out to grab one
Eddie: I got them, you just make a path for me
Isaac: Bro, are you sure?
Eddie: Yeah bro, lead the way
Isaac: Alright
Isaac helped me stabilize them then led the way
I was doing great
Was more then confident, that I was gonna make it to the table with no problems
Eddie: Oh no
....my nose became itchy
(Damn, I was doing so well too)
(Just a little farther, I can do this)
But with in seconds it became unbearable, and I couldn't resist
Eddie: ISAAC!!
It was too late
Like a reflex I dropped the tray to scratch my nose
Woman: Careful
A woman quickly grab the tray before it could hit the ground
Eddie: Wow, My Hero
She laughed
Woman: For you, any time
I froze when, I had got a good look at her