Chapter 16: Did He Copy Zeus?

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**In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU):**

"No, that's absolutely impossible!" Nick Fury quickly shook his head. He had kept the Avengers initiative strictly to himself, never sharing it with anyone. Unless he had somehow accidentally let it slip, there was no way this plan could have been leaked. And someone as meticulous as Fury wouldn't make such a basic mistake—after all, he was the master spy.

But if he hadn't let it slip, why was this never-before-seen plan displayed on the screen? What was the deal with this mysterious screen? Could it be showing glimpses of the future?

The idea was too shocking for Fury to accept immediately. However, if he were to form the Avengers, the trio of Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor seemed to be the perfect candidates.

Of course, this would depend on Tony Stark actually building his impressive suit, Captain America surviving in the ice, and the mythological Thor existing for real. Fury had already dispatched Coulson to investigate Captain America's situation, so all he needed was patience.

As for Tony…

"Natasha, come over here," Fury called out, deciding to have Black Widow investigate further.

Unexpectedly, when Natasha arrived, Fury discovered that she could also see the mysterious screen. With Coulson also being able to see it, that made three people who knew about it. This led Fury to believe that there were likely others who could see the screen too, but who they were remained a mystery, pending Coulson's investigation.


**In Asgard:**

"Is this… Midgard? Why am I there with Loki? And fighting that metal man?" Thor was puzzled. He racked his brains but couldn't recall ever visiting Midgard.

However, this wasn't Thor's main concern. What really bothered him was the notion that he might lose to that metal man. What a joke! He was Thor, the son of Odin, a warrior who conquered nine realms with his hammer, second only to the great Allfather himself.

The idea that he couldn't defeat a metal-clad human was absurd. Whoever made this video was definitely spouting nonsense. Even if Midgardians donned metal shells, one strike from his hammer would turn them to scrap. And that warrior with the shield? Blocking his attack? Ridiculous. If someone like that faced him, Thor was sure he could turn them into mush with a single blow.

"Odinson, what do you make of this?" Frigga, one of Asgard's foremost sorceresses, asked Odin with a serious expression. Despite her deep magical knowledge, Frigga couldn't fathom the mysterious screen or its origins.

"If the previous unrelated videos weren't enough to concern Frigga, this one was different—it featured her sons. Considering the screen's oddity, she couldn't remain indifferent."

"Someone might be trying to convey information to us through these means," Odin suggested. However, the videos were so varied, often mundane, that Odin couldn't discern any clear message. Perhaps it was simply a warning that Thor and Loki would visit Midgard? But it couldn't be that simple.

Why could Odin, Frigga, and Thor see the screen, but not Loki?


**In the DC Extended Universe:**

"Thor?" Diana, working in a museum, paused, deep in thought. She couldn't recall any god by that name. While she didn't know every deity, the one in the video stood out—he could summon lightning, a power associated with Zeus, the god of the sky and thunder. If there was another god with powers akin to Zeus, surely they wouldn't be obscure?

This Thor was unknown to Diana. The flashily dressed Captain America, on the other hand, caught her attention. Surviving seventy years in ice was no feat for an ordinary person. And his shield, able to withstand Thor's hammer, intrigued her. Clearly, Captain America's shield was no ordinary object, much like her own.


**In the X-Men Universe:**

In a small village in Cairo, a young Ororo Munroe, future Storm, gazed at the screen she alone could see. Being a mutant, she instinctively thought of Thor as another mutant, especially since their abilities were similar—she too could control lightning.

Unfortunately, Ororo's powers were still nascent and undeveloped. She had only recently discovered her abilities when some bullies nearly killed her, triggering her first lightning strike in self-defense. Since then, she knew she was different, possessing powers beyond the ordinary.

Yet, her life remained harsh, relying on her budding powers for petty theft to survive. Her weakness was her greatest enemy. If she could wield her powers like Thor, who would dare bully her? A fire of determination burned within Ororo's heart.

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