Chapter 22: What’s the Deal with Superman’s Insane Abilities?

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When Sersi used the Eternals' communication orb to contact Druig, she discovered it wasn't his doing. Druig had been secluded in his domain, never leaving, and his powers had limited range. If he wasn't in London, he couldn't have influenced Sersi. But if not Druig, then who? Perhaps the Sprite? Given her abilities to create illusions, it was possible. However, Sersi ruled out Sprite, as they lived together, and Sprite was equally baffled by the screen.

Unable to determine the source of the screen, Sersi spent her days investigating, though she found no answers. She considered contacting Ajak if her search remained fruitless. The situation escalated when a video of Makkari, a fellow Eternal, appeared. This was beyond ordinary; Makkari was shown using her speed to search the Earth with a "magical locator." Sersi didn't recall this event, suggesting it occurred after the Eternals separated. What was Makkari searching for, and why was it shown to them?

Sersi also realized there were many speedsters besides Makkari. The appearance of Superman, Cyclops, and Homelander—essentially a version of Ikaris—only deepened the mystery.


### Malibu, Stark Residence

"The Avengers battling a robot army? Now that's an interesting topic," Tony remarked, feigning nonchalance while inwardly concerned. A robot army posed a significant threat, matching his Iron Man suits in combat. Such advanced technology in the wrong hands would be catastrophic. The video implied this scenario had occurred, necessitating Tony's involvement.

Moreover, Tony was curious about who else could create such robots. This technology was twenty years ahead of its time. Surprisingly, Quicksilver seemed aligned with the robot army, suggesting he wasn't a hero.


### DC Extended Universe

"No way. Are there really that many speedsters? Do they all have the Speed Force?" Barry Allen, the Flash, was astounded. After gaining super speed from a lab accident, he believed he was unique. Discovering numerous speedsters, some sharing his alias, was a shock.

Barry pondered who was the fastest among them. The videos showed both Quicksilvers achieving "bullet time," though the first was notably faster. Barry could match their speed and Makkari's globe-spanning dash. However, without knowing their limits, Barry couldn't conclude who was fastest.

Superman was a different story. The video depicted Barry and Superman as equals in a race, indicating Superman's immense speed. Barry marveled at Superman's abilities: flight, laser vision, and invulnerability, all alongside his speed. This combination made Superman extraordinarily powerful, prompting Barry to reflect on the true extent of superhuman abilities.


### The Boys Universe

Queen Maeve was stunned. The idea of numerous speedsters was inconceivable. She only knew A-Train, her colleague in the Seven. Yet the video showcased five additional speedsters, all seemingly faster than A-Train.

A-Train's top speed was 1,600 km/h (440 m/s), slightly above the speed of sound. He couldn't perform Quicksilver's bullet-time feats, Flash's relaxed maneuvers during a car crash, or Makkari's near-instantaneous global travel. This likely explained A-Train's absence from the video—he simply wasn't fast enough to be included.


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