Chapter 43: The Ancient One Really Has No Heart

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Dr. Strange couldn't help but feel a twinge of panic and unease as he pondered this crucial question. Could the videos on this bizarre screen possibly be real? Logically, he knew he might be worrying over nothing, but the inexplicable nature of the screen left him unsettled.

After all, the woman in the video was far from ordinary. She was a cold-hearted executioner, not a mentor. Online teaching? More like online torture! If he didn't learn space magic within two minutes in the harsh conditions of Mount Everest, he would have frozen to death. And the African-American sorcerer had wanted to rescue him, but the Ancient One stopped him. What a cruel woman!

Dr. Strange shook his head to clear these chaotic thoughts and quickly began typing on his keyboard. He searched for the name "Ancient One," determined to find out if such a person existed. Unsurprisingly, his search yielded no results. Still, the eerie screen made him uneasy, and he decided to ask a friend at the police department to look into it further.

Meanwhile, at Kamar-Taj, the Ancient One's expression became quite complex. The mysterious screen, even beyond her understanding, was once again showing the future. Yes, the future. Though she couldn't vouch for the other videos, she could confirm that the one with Dr. Strange depicted future events. She had seen it with the Time Stone. Dr. Strange, now a surgeon, would join Kamar-Taj and become the next Sorcerer Supreme after her. The lesson on Mount Everest was just one highlight of his illustrious magical career. But now, this highlight had been spoiled by the screen.

"Wait!" she suddenly thought. "This might no longer be the future." The Ancient One realized that the future she had seen was no longer clear since the screen appeared. Even she couldn't see it anymore. The screen had clouded the future, and she couldn't tell if Dr. Strange would still have his accident, join Kamar-Taj, or become the next Sorcerer Supreme. Despite this uncertainty, the Ancient One was thrilled. For the first time in years, she didn't feel a pressing need to retire.

#### DC Extended Universe

"What kind of magic is this?" Constantine muttered, cigarette dangling from his mouth. As a seasoned occult detective well-versed in magic and familiar with supernatural beings like angels and demons, Constantine was a top-tier magician. Though he preferred not to use magic unless necessary, his expertise was undeniable.

Yet, he had never seen the kind of space magic in the video. No spells, rituals, magical materials, or diagrams were needed—just a simple hand gesture. It was incredibly convenient. The Ancient One appeared to be a powerful sorceress, but he had never heard of her or her extensive magical tradition. The numerous apprentices learning magic suggested a significant magical heritage. Intrigued, Constantine became deeply interested in the Ancient One and her magic.

#### X-Men Universe

"Wow, magic really exists?" Quicksilver exclaimed, producing another popsicle from nowhere. His speed allowed him to treat the entire town as his personal warehouse. Charles, Hank, and the others were equally amazed by the magic that could even traverse space. Such abilities overshadowed any advantage their mutant powers gave them.

"Hank," Charles asked, "did any magicians ever attack mutants in the future?"

"No, I never encountered any magicians," Wolverine replied firmly, reassuring his companions. If such powerful magicians became their enemies, it would be a significant problem.

"But I do know a girl who can open portals like that magician," Wolverine added, reminiscing about a past ally. He began to tell them about Blink, an Asian girl whose ability to open portals had been crucial in their battles against the Sentinels. Thinking of her, Wolverine's resolve strengthened. He was determined to change the future and complete his mission, no matter the cost.