Chapter 46: The True Masterstroke

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#### The Boys' Universe

In the world of The Boys, the arrival of Butcher and M.M. had the entire team buzzing with excitement. The Frenchman enthusiastically slapped Butcher's shoulder, exclaiming, "Butcher, it's you! You and M.M.!"

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to what kind of masterstroke you'll pull off next," Hughie quipped with a shrug. The last time this mysterious screen showed them spoilers, the Frenchman's "anal bomb" move was mind-blowing. Hughie couldn't help but wonder if Butcher and M.M. could match that level of audacity without the Frenchman.

Hughie and the rest of the team turned their attention to the screen, expecting more shocking revelations. They were immediately stunned—not by Butcher's antics, as the progress bar had barely moved—but by the alarming truth the screen revealed.


"Those superheroes were created by Vought?"

"Everything we knew was a colossal lie?"

M.M. was left speechless, mumbling to himself. The commonly accepted belief was that superheroes were divinely chosen, their powers a natural gift, a blessing from God. This was a universally known fact, understood even by three-year-olds. This belief was what gave superheroes their extraordinary status, not just their abilities but also their supposed divine favor.

Even though The Boys had always opposed superheroes, they had never doubted this. But now, the screen revealed it was all a fabrication, a carefully crafted lie by Vought. The superheroes were not heaven's chosen but artificially created by Vought.

"Is this the truth?"

"They've deceived the entire world!"

Hughie's voice trembled as he realized that everything he had believed was shattered.

"So Compound V is used for this," noted the Frenchman. They had known about Compound V but had assumed it was a drug for superheroes, given their extraordinary constitutions that regular drugs couldn't satisfy. However, the true purpose of Compound V was far more significant than they had imagined.

"This is a huge breakthrough," Butcher said, now excited. This revelation was a massive leap forward in their fight against superheroes. Having experienced the previous shocking spoiler about the "anal bomb," Butcher was inclined to believe this new information. It warranted a deeper investigation.

The rest of The Boys shared Butcher's sentiment, their excitement barely contained. This spoiler had provided them with a monumental piece of intelligence. In this charged atmosphere, they refocused on the screen, only to be astonished by Butcher's masterstroke.

No one had anticipated Butcher's daring move, which matched the Frenchman's audacity. Using a baby as a weapon? They were in awe.

"You guys should take notes," Butcher said with a sly smile.

#### Starlight's Home

"This is absurd!"

"Absolutely absurd!"

Starlight couldn't accept the revelation. Like everyone else, she had always believed she was chosen by God, her powers a divine gift. This belief fueled her pride and admiration for The Seven, the top superhero team she aspired to join. But now, the screen suggested otherwise—that superheroes were lab-created, not divinely favored.

This notion seemed ridiculous to her, prompting her to shake her head in denial. However, as she calmed down, she began to feel uneasy. The screen was too strange to dismiss. What if the video was true? Even a one percent chance couldn't be ignored.


After much contemplation, Starlight approached her mother, Donna, with a hesitant question, "Have you ever heard of Compound V?" If the video was true, her parents would surely know, having likely signed a secret agreement with Vought. Donna's immediate change in expression confirmed Starlight's worst fears.

"What are you talking about, Annie? What is that?" Donna denied, but Starlight wasn't blind to her mother's reaction. A sinking feeling gripped her heart. Was the video true? Was she really created by Compound V?

Unable to remain calm, Starlight pressed Donna for answers. But Donna, realizing Starlight had no concrete evidence, denied everything, her determined ignorance fooling Starlight in the end. Yet, the seed of doubt had been planted in Starlight's heart, one that would continue to trouble her.