Chapter 62: Professor X: I'm No Longer a Failure

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"Pain may be terrifying, but it can also make you stronger."

"If you can feel it, accept it, it will make you stronger than you ever imagined."

"Our greatest power lies in enduring the pain of others."

"And this ability comes from the most human of strengths: hope."

Under the watchful eyes of Charles, Quicksilver, and Wolverine, the elder Charles Xavier's words rang out clearly on the big screen, pouring a huge dose of motivational "chicken soup" into the younger Charles.

For Quicksilver and Wolverine, the elder Charles's speech was just that—nothing more than a bowl of hot, comforting chicken soup. It didn't stir any particular feelings within them.

However, motivational speeches like these can have different effects on different people. What might seem trivial to some could be profoundly impactful to others.

At that moment, a spark ignited within Charles. The elder Charles's words struck him like a bolt of lightning, cutting through the darkness clouding his heart and mind. The mental fog lifted, revealing clarity and hope.

"Hope, indeed," Charles murmured, lost in thought. Images of his students' smiling faces at the academy surfaced in his mind, rekindling a long-buried strength within him.

Wolverine, standing nearby, immediately sensed the change in Charles. He noticed the subtle yet significant difference in Charles's demeanor, and a relieved, excited smile spread across his face. It seemed that, just as the video had predicted, Charles had unlocked his emotional barriers with the guidance of his future self.

This unexpected turn of events was a delightful surprise for Wolverine.

"Charles, are you okay?" Erik (Magneto) couldn't help but ask, noticing Charles's introspective state. Throughout their journey, Charles had been muttering incoherently, appearing quite disturbed. To Erik, and anyone else who couldn't see the mysterious screen, it seemed like Charles, Logan, and Pietro were all acting irrationally.

"Of course, I'm fine. I'm better than ever," Charles responded, gesturing reassuringly to Erik. He also took a moment to observe Erik's reaction, confirming that Erik couldn't see the screen. While Charles didn't understand why, he decided not to reveal anything to Erik. He believed it was for the best, considering Erik's rebellious nature. Given that the videos on the screen had proven to be true, Charles worried about the potential chaos if Erik were to see sensitive future information.

#### The Boys Universe

#### Godolkin University

"Kate, that Professor X guy, his powers are like yours," Jordan remarked, glancing at Kate with surprise. The earlier video had mentioned Professor X's mind-reading abilities, instantly reminding those who could see the screen of Kate.

Despite the similarities, they hadn't expected Professor X's abilities to align so closely with Kate's, both requiring touch to activate.

"But his powers seem far weaker than Kate's," Golden Boy scoffed, dismissing Professor X. To him, the fact that an older man like Professor X was still tormented by his abilities and had resorted to substance abuse was a clear sign of weakness. From his experience at a university filled with superpowered individuals, Golden Boy believed that truly powerful abilities were accompanied by mastery and control, something Professor X apparently lacked.

Unbeknownst to Golden Boy, his assessment was grossly off the mark. Professor X's potential far exceeded that of Kate or anyone at Godolkin University.

"Has anyone heard of this Professor X before?" Kate asked her friends, shifting the focus of the conversation. She was more intrigued by the obscurity of Professor X's identity than his perceived lack of power.

Her question was met with unanimous shakes of the head. Neither Golden Boy nor Andre, nor anyone else they had asked, had ever heard of Professor X. The same applied to other renowned names like Superman, Flash, Iron Man, and Magneto. They were complete unknowns in their world.

With a collective shrug, the group decided not to dwell on Professor X. Such unfamiliar figures were numerous, and they were used to it, having grown indifferent to these mysteries.

"Forget about Professor X. What do you guys think about my earlier suggestion?" Andre spoke up, steering the conversation back to his proposal. "Oh, come on, are you serious?" Jordan replied, rubbing his forehead in exasperation.

"Of course, don't you want to figure out what's going on?" Andre argued, sounding earnest. "I've been keeping an eye on Invisible Boy, and he really seems to have vanished. His scheduled activities have all been canceled for various reasons. Isn't that suspicious?"

Andre's argument left the group speechless. The sudden disappearance of Invisible Boy was indeed strange, especially after the video had foreshadowed his death by an explosive device.

"So you think he was really blown up, like in the video?" Kate asked incredulously.

"That's what we need to find out, right?" Andre responded, spreading his hands before turning to Golden Boy. "What do you think, Golden Boy?"

After a moment's thought, Golden Boy nodded. "I'm in. Let's figure out what's really going on with these mysterious videos."