A voice

"Ha ha ha, Mr. Kakashi, What do you think of this little gift I've prepared for you?", Glue says as he focuses his eyes on a particular man.

This man has a beautiful face, disheveled white hair, and is barely dressed in a fabric pant and a linen shirt, all of his previous ninja gear was confiscated by the red goblins.

Glue watches Kakashi with a smile; this is the most powerful human he has encountered so far, and in fact, Even after some time has passed since her confrontation with Kakashi, Glue still limps slightly when walking.

Kakashi does not respond, simply raising his head slightly to observe as Glue enters the cage, opening a door made of bars.

The men and women near Kakashi shudder and huddle on the ground, fear can be felt in the air, several small moans of pain can be heard, and Kakashi simply raises his head to observe this red goblin.

"Mr. Kakashi, Have you thought about my offer?, When we capture the fairy princess, I can start a transformation ritual, You would become one of us—the red goblins!!, And you would be my first commander...", The red goblin says with a smile showing yellow teeth.

However, Kakashi simply watches the red goblin with a smile on his face, saying nothing. No one can know his thoughts; he just gazes into Glue's red eyes, making eye contact.

"Hmph...", The red goblin makes a slight sound with his mouth, his hands moving quickly to pull down his pants a bit and reveal his thirty-centimeter long member.

There is a brief moment of silence. Kakashi cannot understand what is happening. "What the hell?", Kakashi's eyes widen in surprise, he cannot help but think that perhaps this goblin king is... Homosexual?

"No... that cannot be... it's impossible", Kakashi firmly denies within his mind as he shakes his head. He swallows hard while slightly moving his body.

"Hahaha, it seems you, Mr. Kakashi, are not a cold man who doesn't fear death after all... you know, there are two types of existences in this world. The first is the existence that submits to me and accepts being my subordinate", the goblin king pauses, sighing with a bit of pity.

Kakashi squints his eyes; his gaze cannot tear away from the huge member of the goblin king. If that thing rises, Could it reach half a meter?, Kakashi quickly forces himself to stop thinking such nonsense and looks at the goblin king with a face full of disgust.

"And the second is one who does not obey me and thinks they can defeat me...", The goblin king says with malice as he releases a slight moan of pleasure, his hand moving to point his member towards Kakashi.

In the next moment...


The goblin king proceeds to urinate on Kakashi's face, the yellow liquid with a rotten fish odor splashing against Kakashi's face, making him quickly close one eye.

Glue's urine spills all over Kakashi's face, soaking his neck and reaching his clothes.

"Hahaha, Mr. Kakashi, you should feel honored...", Glue continues urinating on Kakashi's face while laughing heartily.

However, Kakashi's reaction of disgust, which Glue had expected, never comes. Kakashi simply closes his eyes and accepts the punishment like a statue.

Glue licks his lips, observing Kakashi. His urine has completely soaked Kakashi's clothes, making his well-defined muscles appear stuck to the linen clothes. Kakashi has an attractive face and a defined body, his features are perfect, from pink lips to a slightly upturned nose, with a slim waist and a masculine hip.

Glue feels slightly tempted, but he is not gay; he simply admires Kakashi's beauty with admiration in his eyes.

"Mr. Kakashi, I suggest you make a decision soon. If you don't, Number 9 will make you feel like a real woman...", Glue says with a happy face before turning around and proceeding to leave.

But all this made Kakashi swallow hard; his previous suspicions seem to be true. Is this a group of homosexual goblins?

Kakashi can only think of this possibility with terror written on his face.

Kakashi does not care about dying or being tortured, but for a red goblin to abuse him in that sense...

"Never!!!", Kakashi almost shouts, his eyes showing a fervent desire to fight.

On the other hand, goblin number 9, who was near Glue, almost vomits.

The goblins are lustful, and none of them are homosexual. How could goblin number 9 feel good knowing he might have to do that with a man?

Goblin number 9, a loyal goblin to Glue, at this moment has thoughts of betraying this small army and seeking a life as a solitary goblin.


Several miles away.

Here, Uglix rests while drinking water from a canteen, sitting on a fallen trunk in a greenish forest, Uglix breathes heavily.

He has used almost all his energy reserves to run as if his life depended on it, and indeed, his life did depend on it.

"Hehe, ah, what a fucking pain...", Uglix says while looking at the sky, which is nothing more than the ceiling of this underground world.

Uglix makes some light movements to stretch while his heart calms down.

"Without gold coins...", Uglix thinks with sadness, after all, he was unable to complete his rescue, and Sakura will probably be devoured by those red goblins.

Previously, Uglix had thought of grabbing Sakura and escaping with her in his arms, but he decided not to do this for a simple reason.

He was afraid, afraid that the stampede of red goblins would catch him if his speed were affected by carrying extra weight.

Now, in this small forest, Uglix sighs lightly. Even though he could not save Sakura, and thus will not obtain a reward, he still feels happy.

"Parasite, parasite, you've finally activated...", Uglix jumps with joy as he feels his body, his strength, agility, endurance, and all his physical stats have at least multiplied tenfold compared to when he entered the dungeon.

With his current power, Wouldn't it be easy to start hunting some more dangerous beasts in the dungeon?

Uglix licks his lips, imitating an old serpent. With his new power, he doesn't even need any equipment to defeat great monsters and earn a lot of money.

Thinking about this, Uglix decides to take a short break before starting to hunt some monsters and return home.

Uglix leans his back against a tree while closing his eyes to rest, but not to sleep completely.

Uglix doesn't know how much time has passed, only that a strange noise reached his ears.

Uglix quickly opens his eyes, his right hand gripping the bastard sword tightly.

"Hehe, let's play together...", an ethereal voice barely reaches Uglix's ears, it is a voice of a girl mixed with a kind of magic that makes the voice feel entirely astral.