The dazzling sunlight fell on the land, the sky brightened, and the temperature began to rise.
Under the sun, the two of them, oblivious to the sweat covering their bodies, didn't part until a full three minutes had passed.
Aiko was like a puddle of soft mud, cradled in Lin Da's arms.
"Have you thought about how many kids we'll have in the future?" Aiko said sweetly.
Lin Da was stunned, "We should consider that at least ten years from now."
"But we can start planning now," Aiko said, "I think ten is just right, the maximum number of people allowed into the Mystic Realm. The adventure team's name could be 'Ailin' Adventure Team."
Lin Da: "..."
That was thinking way too far ahead.
And besides,
he glanced at Aiko's slender waist, gripped in one hand, wondering how big it would need to stretch to bear ten children.
Lin Da was a normal person, not equipped with a watermelon-sized belly!
"Are you done?"
Bervis, facing the carriage wall, awkwardly toed the ground.