Chapter 2: Triple Cashback

"I'm not bothered, I was mentally prepared for this a long time ago."

Shen Yuan waved his hand indifferently. He genuinely didn't care that much. What really pained him was thinking about all the bags he'd given away.

"That's good then."

In Lih Xiao's eyes, Shen Yuan might have been a bit mischievous at times, but he was essentially a good kid.

He also had a sense of collective honor and would occasionally contribute to the class, which was why she didn't dislike him.

Shen Yuan had not only recently dealt with family issues but was now facing problems in his love life.

Even though he seemed carefree on the surface, how much could a man in his early twenties truly endure mentally?

Therefore, Lih Xiao felt it was her duty as his instructor to show some concern.

"How about the scholarship I mentioned last time? If you have made up your mind, just submit your materials. With what happened to your family, this is one of the few ways I can help you."

The scholarship had three levels: 2000, 3000, 4000, and each class had several spots. Lih Xiao allocated these based on the financial and debt situation of the families. If there were any extra spots, they'd go to class officers who contributed more to the class.

Apparently, after Shen Yuan's family went bankrupt, they were over a million in debt, which met her criteria.

"Leave it to the students who need it more. To be honest, a few thousand won't make much difference to my family's debt," he said, shaking his head. Shen Yuan knew there were impoverished students in his class for whom the money would mean much more than it would for him.

"Although it's not a lot, it can still relieve some pressure off your parents," she insisted.

"Really, it's okay, Teacher Lih," he reassured her.

This wasn't the first time Lih Xiao had spoken with Shen Yuan about this matter. Since the person concerned was unwilling to apply, she could not force him.

"Then I won't persuade you further. Remember, if you run into any trouble in the future, you can always come to me, and I'll find a way to help you solve it," she said.

Lih Xiao was still a bit worried after the scene she had just witnessed, so she added, "That includes matters of the heart as well."

"Instructor Lih, you're really a good person. It'd be great if someone could find a partner like you."

Staring at Teacher Lih's sweet and beautiful face, Shen Yuan found it easy to become lost in admiring her, especially during her Business English classes, where he'd often daydream. He adored how this young teacher was so kind-hearted and always considerate of her students.

It was a shame, though, that their relationship was that of teacher and student.

"Don't talk nonsense, there are so many people here," she said with a blush on her cheeks and a warning glare.

They weren't the only ones at the school gate. It was between classes, and there was a constant stream of students passing by; they might even run into classmates.

This guy usually didn't think before he spoke and was unapologetic about it, even at the school gate.

However, since he was still able to joke around, it probably meant that he really wasn't too bothered by the recent incident.

Thinking this, she felt much more at ease.

Shen Yuan scratched his head and chuckled sheepishly, looking up slightly to see the Feel-good Index above Instructor Lih's head.

[Feel-good Index: 65]

The Feel-good Index was still clearly displayed. According to the recent hint from the System, Instructor Lih's Feel-good Index for him had surpassed 60, meaning that spending money on her would result in a threefold cashback.

At the moment, Shen Yuan wasn't sure about the authenticity of the system, but he thought it could be worth verifying.

Lih Xiao noticed that Shen Yuan's gaze still lingered on her, and she felt puzzled, yet in the present situation, she couldn't quite reprimand him.

Nevertheless, she didn't want to maintain this awkwardness in public and spoke up to break it: "I'm going to head back. If you need anything, just look for me."

"Instructor, wait, let me buy you a drink," he offered.

"No need to be polite. I'm going to—hey...!"

Before Lih Xiao could finish, Shen Yuan had already run to the convenience store at the school gate. After a while, he returned with a 6 yuan bottle of Nescafé and handed it to Lih Xiao.

Shen Yuan knew her preferences. He had observed that Lih Xiao always brought a bottle of Nescafé to the podium during her classes.

"Well, thank you then."

Lih Xiao was actually feeling thirsty, so she took the coffee, took a small sip, and repeated her advice, "You can't be careless with money in the future. You have to think about sharing the burden with your parents, all right?"

"Got it."

As soon as Shen Yuan finished speaking, he received a text message on his phone. When he opened it, it was surprisingly a bank transfer notification.

[China Construction Bank]Your card ending in 0098 received an 18 yuan deposit on May 10th at 4:40 PM.

"It's actually real!"

Shen Yuan's breathing quickened in disbelief as he clicked on the message, which indeed came from the official China Construction Bank.

He then opened the bank's app to check his balance. Originally at 87 yuan and having spent 6 yuan, his balance should have been 81 yuan, but now with an 18 yuan transfer, it added up to 99 yuan!

This was just a trial with a small amount of money!

Suddenly, Shen Yuan realized that as long as Teacher Lih's Feel-good Index stayed above 60, he could continuously make purchases for her and keep receiving system cashback!

The thought of having such a cheat that only existed in novels filled him with uncontrollable excitement.

Lih Xiao looked at Shen Yuan's strange expression with concern, "What's wrong? Is something the matter?"

"It's nothing, nothing at all."

Realizing he had been daydreaming, Shen Yuan closed his phone and smiled apologetically: "If there's nothing else, I'll be going now. You should head home too, Instructor. Take care on your way."

"Yes, sure."

Watching Shen Yuan hurry away, Lih Xiao was left puzzled, but she didn't think much of it, assuming it to be one of the students' inexplicable mood swings.

Meanwhile, Shen Yuan's emotions were a mix of complexity and excitement, thinking there was a chance he could clear his family's debts and return to where he started—or even become wealthier than before.

After taking a few deep breaths, he thought it was imperative to secure ample capital to spend on the opposite sex.

With all his belongings and the recent cashback, he had only 99 yuan in total, which was too little to aim for significant cashback.

The system required spending in cash or from a deposit, but his principal was too meager.

However, he could possibly cash out through Ant's Huabei or ask friends for a loan.

Shen Yuan found a quiet corner on the campus, sat down cross-legged under a tree, and decided to take advantage of Huabei to cash out some of his credit. Just then, a message popped up on WeChat.

Opening it, he found a message from Zhou Wanting.

"Shen Yuan, go to hell!"
