People are all the same, always strict with others but lenient with themselves.
Of course, such a thought could only be complained about in the mind; out loud, one could only agree and say: "Yeah, I'm so tired of hearing it all today, that's why right after dinner, thinking you should have cooled down, I immediately asked you out."
"Let me tell you, Xiaxia, the more I think about it, the more things don't seem right."
Jiang Wanyi expressed her suspicions: "Speaking of her vanity, and how much she loves money, if she really bought a Porsche and a house, and all those luxury goods, how could she not show off?"
"It is indeed a bit strange."
"And do you remember, three months ago, she wanted to save a few bucks and asked us in the group chat to help her slash the price on Pinduoduo. There was also a time when she wanted us to help her get a discount on a ride-share."
After listening, He Xia asked, "So, what are you implying?"