Chapter 3: The First Mission

Hmm, this is strange. The calendar says it's the year X775, but the Dragon Slayers were sent to the future in X777... I guess this is the god's doing again. Well, it works for me.

It's been three days since I joined Fairy Tail. I'm getting used to it here, and the fun never ends. Today, I'll be heading out on my first mission.

Hmm, this mission looks like it'll do the trick:

Mission: Missing Animals

Loud noises are heard in the evenings, and in the mornings, it's noticed that some animals have gone missing. This problem has been ongoing for two days and is expected to continue. Please send someone to find the reason for the animals' disappearance!

Reward: 30,000 jewels

After selecting the mission, I got Master's approval. Since it was my first mission, he was worried and suggested I take someone with me. But of course, I refused. I haven't even gotten a place to stay yet, and I need the money for that. I don't want to split the reward.

I took the train to reach the mission site, but then something happened...

My stomach... it hurts so much. I'm going to throw up... Damn it, first-generation Dragon Slayer problems. I did my best to avoid fainting during the ride... Finally, when I arrived, I barely managed to get myself outside.

"OH, FRESH AIR!" I feel better now!

When I arrived in the village, I saw the villagers looking around anxiously. I quickly approached them and said:

"Hello, I'm Soma from Fairy Tail. I'm here to solve your problem."

The villagers seemed disappointed to see a child. Hmph, I'll solve their problem in a single day...

Villager 1:

"Hmph, we requested a Fairy Tail wizard, not a child. Go back home, kid. This is a job beyond your capacity!"

Villager 2:

"Yeah, he's right. Go back and send us a real Fairy Tail wizard!"


"Look, I'm here to do my job and get paid. So don't make this difficult. I am a Fairy Tail wizard, and if it was thought that I couldn't handle this mission, they wouldn't have sent me. So, if you could show me where the problem area is, I'd appreciate it."

Hmm, this village reeks of blood...

One of the perks of being a Dragon Slayer is an enhanced sense of smell...

Seeing my anger, the villagers realized it would be foolish to oppose me and showed me the way.

When we reached the villager's yard, there was nothing there, but the smell of blood had intensified. I could now pinpoint exactly where the smell was coming from. I warned the villagers to stay back and headed towards the source of the scent, which led me into the forest.

Deep in the forest, I found what I had suspected: a pack of wolves... but they seemed different.

There were three in total, and as soon as they saw me, they took up positions and started growling... they're either intelligent or moving based on instincts.

The wolves growled, baring their sharp teeth. They were smart, their eyes tracking Soma's every move. They had grown stronger by feasting on the forest's wildlife for days. Now, they were ready for a new challenge.

The largest wolf, seemingly the leader, charged at Soma with incredible speed. Soma barely managed to react, summoning an ice wall to block the attack. The wolf crashed into the ice, shattering it, but Soma was already on the move.


"You're fast, but I've seen worse."

The second wolf circled around, trying to flank Soma. With a swift motion, Soma conjured a wave of water, sweeping the wolf off its feet and slamming it into a tree. The third wolf took advantage of the distraction, leaping at Soma with its claws extended.


"Not fast enough!"

Soma's hands suddenly glowed with water, and with a burst of water, he forced the wolf to retreat. The wolves regrouped, their eyes burning with anger. They were relentless, but Soma was determined.

The battle raged on. Soma used his Dragon Slayer magic to switch between ice and water, countering the wolves' attacks. The forest became their battlefield, trees splintering, and the ground scorched with energy.

Despite their size and strength, the wolves were incredibly coordinated. They attacked together, their movements synchronized as if they shared a single mind. Soma had to be cautious, constantly adapting to their tactics.

As the fight went on, Soma began to notice patterns in their attacks. The leader always initiated, followed by the second wolf from the left and the third from the right. Using this information, he devised a plan.


"Let's finish this!"

When the leader charged again, Soma didn't block or dodge. Instead, he stepped aside at the last moment, causing the leader to collide with the second wolf. With the two wolves momentarily tangled, Soma focused all his energy on the third wolf as it lunged at him.


"Ice Dragon's Roar!"

A massive wave of ice erupted from his mouth, engulfing the third wolf and freezing it solid. The leader and the second wolf quickly recovered, but it was too late. Soma was already upon them, his fists glowing with water.


"Take this!"

He struck the ground, creating a shockwave of water beneath the wolves. The ground split open, and the wolves were launched into the air. Before they could land, Soma unleashed another attack.


"Water Dragon's Fury!"

Streams of water shot from his hands, wrapping around the wolves and slamming them into the ground. The force was immense, stunning and immobilizing them.

However, just then, the leader wolf quickly recovered and lunged at Soma, clawing his shoulder. Soma cried out and staggered back, blood dripping from his wound.


"Tch, an unexpected move... but it won't stop me from winning this fight!"

Despite the pain, Soma got back on his feet. He combined his water and ice powers one last time, launching a powerful attack at the leader wolf. This time, the wolf was too slow to evade, and Soma's attack sent it crashing to the ground.

Breathing heavily, Soma stood over the defeated wolves. They had fought fiercely, but his training and determination had brought him victory. Holding his wounded shoulder, he declared his triumph.


"It's over. You won't be harming anyone anymore."

Seeing the wolves take their last breaths, Soma lowered his guard and collapsed from exhaustion.


"Damn, I underestimated them."

Using his water magic, he slowly healed his shoulder...

"Alright, I'm ready to go."

As he left the forest, Soma felt a sense of pride. He had faced a tough challenge and emerged victorious. But more importantly, he had protected the people and wildlife of the forest.

When I returned to the village, the villagers were frightened by the sight of the blood on me. But I explained the situation to them and showed them the evidence I had taken from the forest. Then, I collected my reward and boarded the train again... Damn, I need a better mode of transportation...