Chapter 12: Not now

With the assistance of the wall she directly went into the shower and placed water in the bathtub and soaked herself. today there was a certain awakening from inside her her mind become irrational. She knew a man was the only one who was to calm her down.

As the man in the room was undressing himself already done with a shirt and the pair of trousers. Taken the towel in the closet and headed to the door of the bathroom, there was a loud thud sound from the door.

This old hug was stunned a bit who was here to ruin the great moment he was going to have with young lady who was known to play hard to get. The entrance of the one was faced with a red-white decorated sitting room because it was a high class hotel their rooms were special and unique with a well furnished sitting room and a resting room.

He exited the room and went towards the next room only to find the young tycoon and know ruthless business man.

Where is she?

Who are you talking about? He stepped forward and roughly held onto his throat. If you don't want to loose you life better you tell me where she is.

He struggled under his tight grip. Trying to talk yet no voice was heard from him.

Boss if you hold him like this how will he tell you where the young mistress is. Unwillingly he let go of his neck, the man was scared to his with end. due to the grip he coughed violently making his eyes watery.

Still not ready to say a word, he received a understanding punch on his face droplets of blood gushed out of his mouth. This was the demon that most people were afraid of in order to cross paths with him many avoided him like plaque. The cost of offending his is something one is unable to pay for.

For the first time his assistant realized that Jessica was his bottom line. Who could have thought that this cold-blooded animal will love someone dearly.

She is cleaning herself in the bathroom saying this word while stammering...shivering from the stare of this young man even if he was a man of the age of his father he feared and trembled in front of him.

The assistant brought him his clothes and with a commanding voice from James he was ordered to put own his clothes

As a young you should not interfere with my business and who are you to her? Standing up for he do you know she is a present for me from his foster parent? Talking boldly yet lowering his head down.

You are really having the guards to talk to me like that, he walked forward to where he was standing. Do you know what kind of punishment someone like you deserves? Take him and make sure you break his arms.

Please forgive me I didn't mean to it's a gift I was presented with. He held onto one of his stake not allowing him to leave. The annoyed him turned and glared at him lifted his chin up tomorrow in the morning wait for the news of bankruptcy and the footage's of cheating on your wife will be sent also to your beloved

Leaving the room and the assistant was left with Wang who had recently joined the business empire of this city.Collapsing to the floor his behavior has ruined him both family and the hard work career he had built.

As soon as he opened the door he was hugged tightly without giving him a change to adjust from the shock.

She pressed down on his lips and started kissing him violently on his lips. At the time he felt it was really inconvenient for such a thing to happen especially when there was no connection between them. He couldn't afford to loose her, even when the desire of having her was rapid and almost losing his rationality at the moment. The propping Adam apple was confirming the how uncomfortable he was . Still he didn't go through with this romantic session.

He pulled himself from her and carried her in his arms towards the bath room, still he was acting cocky hugging him his neck. She took the initiative to bite his neck, the unworn pieces of cloth that was on the floor he pick them and tied her legs and arms.

The garments on the floor were the ones she had done with before before deciding to soak herself in the bathtub.

She paused from struggle and in a childish manner told him that she was really uncomfortable

He lifted he up and placed her in the bathtub and told her not do anything to hurt herself he will ask for help.

He placed his phone on the ear and with an authoritative and cold voice he ordered the family doctor to come in immediately.

it was a though battle he was fighting now his awaken desire and his mood was elevated after along period of time. With the evident collar bone that was showcasing now after she was soaked and the garments become clingy to her body. The beast inside him was saying something else right now he wanted to devour her like a lion ready to kill the prey that it had target after along period of time.

Making her curves clearly seen, the round breasts and slime waist was really appeasing .He was almost losing his rationality, but in his mind he said not now. Risking was the thing he would not do at the time because he was really afraid of the outcome.

Thank God after a few minutes the doctor arrived because he was in the venue it was easy for him to arrive her smoothly after the call.

The state Jessica was in he wouldn't let anyone see her like that he took the another bathing rope and clothed her. By now she was unconscious from the effect of the drug taken and he carried her and placed her gently on the bed before allowing doctor Wu in.

James you are a real gentleman even with the situation at hand you decided to keep cool. Stop taking to much just do you job the rest just leave it to me?

For how long are you willing to wait for her to recognize and appreciate your presence in her life. There are so many young rich mistress in the town why can't you choose one from them?

Do your work else. He didn't make any more remark and exited the room to get fresh air. At the door he met his assistant who also asked a similar question to what doctor Wu asked.

Boss why don't you just tell Madam that you like her ?