
Chapter1: Contract signing

She set out early in the morning because the signing of the contract was to take place in Newlife city and it was a two hour drive from where she was staying.Suddenly there was a crush as she was trying to navigate what was going on, she pumped into the vehicle that was In front of her.

Doctor...she is awake .Have you contacted the family members?

Not yet .We were unable to get through to them but the young man who brought her yesterday said he will take full responsibility for her.

Jessica got out of bed even though the nurse tried to stop her she still insisted to do so. Just as she stood up she fall to the ground.

Young lady it seems that you don't value your life anymore ?Do you know the trouble you have caused me the past few days?The young man talking was non other than the young man of the Benson family who most people knew as a terrifying demon because of his cold aura.At the age of 23 he had already taken over as the empire of his father as the CEO.He was in charge of the family assets,family businesses and also the estates they have.The young man was non other than James Benson.

You can take your leave now I'll handle the rest from here.

Thank you, sir.The nurse said exiting the door of the ward .

"what day is today?

On Thursday. So how many days have I been unconscious? The deal was something that I cannot afford to loose because it was to help many households back at home do yo know that?

Just tell me what I'm supposed to do now?

Even though she was coughing violently still she continued to crying.

If you want the deal back ,you ought to first take care of your health. He helped her get on feet before assuring her that everything will be okay. The young man helped he onto bed and helped covering her

I'm Benson may I know your name please? Just call me Jessica.

At Empirial companies the managing director is anxious not knowing what to say to there boss because the deal was to be signed two days ago and till now nothing has taken place.

Boss you called for me..already his hand were sweating and he was trembling all over.

Still he was in a daze not knowing what punishment was to be issued.

Has she contacted you? Boss Jay asked

Not yet sir.Have you tried to contact her?

Yes, we have tried but since that day her phone has been off and it seems like she vanished without trace.

How dare try this it's like she has forgotten whom she is dealing with?

Jay assistant entered without knocking ,breathing heavily and dismissed the director managing the project

Boss after checking the surveillance camera we discovered that she got into an accident.Right now she at Hema Hospital

Get the car ready. We are giving her a visit.

At the entrance of Hema hospital one of the renounced wealthy families in Newlife is Jay Matthew.

Did you see him? He even looks more good compared to those magazine images and even in the television.

Those long legs,broad chest,sharp nose with curved chin and those dark almond eyes who cannot fall in with him just at first glance .I wish I could be his wife.

Nurse Army stop day dreaming we ought to return to work and you are assigned room 620 the room of the young lady who was brought the other day.

Let's talk later then.

Boss the receptionist told me she is in room 620.

He spotted a familiar figure entering the other lift but they were a bit late so they couldn't caught up with him.Nevertheless he ignored the feeling and followed this assistant who was ahead of him.

In room 620 the nurse was administering medicine to the patient suddenly, Jay and the assistant entered. Jessica was still in deep thoughts on what to do thus she was unable sense the presence of another person.

The nurse would take glance at him, sensing she was looking at her she asked what are you looking at?

That's when she came back to her senses just then her eyes meet the eyes of the one she does not want to see at least now.

Jay was the campus boyfriend who had betrayed her and even let her rot in jail.