Chapter3:The opportunity have been waiting for.

At the private room the drunken man couldn't even lift his fingers probably. He was shouting at the top of his.

Do you know that all of you are fools?

Still with many admiring me because of the achievements I have made, infront of her always I'll be considered the stupid one...he took another glass of whisky that he wanted to drink.The bar attendant stopped him on time.

Sir you cannot continue drinking especially with your state.

Who are you to tell me what to do? Just a low servant like you what good advice do you have for me? I own business and I aways make big income per month what about you?

Sorry sir for what I said I didn't mean to.

The receptionist asked arrogantly who are you looking for? The guest in room 200.

And I guess with your character you are not qualified to be here I will talk to your manager.

The tone of her voice made the young lady tremble all over her body.

Maam I cannot lose my job it's the only thing that can support my family and right now my mum is sick and I have a younger brother to pay for bills and tution fee. I don't know what will happen to her if I'm dismissed.

Where you not arrogant just now? All the best.

Manager I would like to report the young lady at the receptionist and I don't want to see her face again henceforth.

Yes,maam if there is any other adjustment you want will do it.

How many time have I told you not to act as if you own this place?

With the position I'm holding I cannot offend the young madam you see it like you have to accept your fate.

She cried bitterly and told the mananger it won't happen again just give me the last chance please.

There is nothing I can do for you now. Hand in everything and never show yourself again, also I don't want to lose my job.

Someone is here to pick you.

Babe why are you so drunk?You, come here and help me carry him into the car.

Did you know that she back in town?

What nonsense are you talking about? Let's talk at home, no need to keep trouble here.

Can someone explain to me how she is still able to stand even with everything that she underwent.

Just stop it already if you don't want our secret to be know. Our conversion will continue when sober so as we understand the next move will be.

In deep thoughts; I know you are actually drowning yourself in sorrows already you have seen her but I never let my effort to be in vain

In the Reality apartment the uncomfortabilty in the stomach made him to throw up.

Gosh why did you do that? It disgusts,what should I do now with him it was a bad idea to do all this. She managed to uncloth him and the cleaned him. Placed the dirty cloths in the laundry basket hence joined him in bed without any clothing.

The night was calm and peaceful the swaying of trees was the only noise would be heard.

You really think highly of yourself.Have you forgotten what you did to me? The misty eyes was a result of crying.

I forgot I tiger that is ready to devour it's prey will not care about anything else because if the chance is lost no assurance it will come again.

Forgive me I didn't mean to betray you give another chance I will made my ways and be an upright person.

I will be assured only after I kill you and see you dead and you won't hurt anyone anymore. Noo don't do it. Don't do it. I'm sorry for what I did it was not intentional. Please have mercy on me. Jessica noooo...tears streaming down Lucy's cheeks, she woke up. Fear engulfed her each and every part of her body was covered with sweat as she tried to calm herself down. It's just a dream it's not real,she went into the bathroom soaked in a hot shower before coming back to sleep.

The next morning she got up early and told her friend Emily to help her look for media people and wait for her down the entrance of the building.

When Jay woke up it was already noon.

The aroma of the food being prepared was heart catching. Welcome let's have something to eat first.

Did something happen between us?

Yes. She started crying saying it's okay if you are not ready to take responsibility I will understand.

Stop crying who said I won't be responsible for you. All along you have been sweet and understanding.No day have you ever pressured me into marrying you though me and you are engaged it's time for me to do something which will make you feel valued and safe.

He held and wiped the tears from her cheeks and hugged her tightly .

There was a mischevious smile on her face, the fish has finally been traped in the net.

Get ready it's late you still have work to attend to.

I'll escort you out if you don't. Acting juvenile and coquettishly hope you won't turn me down okay.

You know how to get to me always I'll like the way you go around with it.

Stop it...