Chapter 7 : Do you remember

If you keep you eyes on me we might end up getting into an accident.

Sorry for that. His heart was pounding so first and he felt the rising heat. The breathing become irrational wild images started running in his mind.

The scorching heat was pushing him to the with ends.

Thank God already they were outside the entrance of the police station.

Go ahead I'll follow you in...

She wanted yo resist him but he reminded her from the beginning he played a role so whether she accepts or not he will be with her.

The lawyer I hired who is in charge was also Summoned and he is in. She opened the passenger's door and alighted from the car.

Benson drove it towards the parking lot, In a spun the engine was off.

Still there was uncomfortable all over his body at some point he had voices in his head in his head... You have loved her for along time why didn't you just do it?

Maybe it will be the last chance that you will have ?

No a gentleman doesn't force things he let things happen in their own course.

Looking at the familiar place and today is not her first time here.

'Do you remember?' a inner voice talked to her.

How can she forget the place where in her life torment was given. The one beloved daughter who was treated like a princess who was sleeping on the a king sized bed now is sleep on a cold cell floor without a covering blanket.

Where torture and affliction was given so as to accept she was the one who committed the crime.

Suffering from the cold and the chilly mornings and nights full of hopelessness with no lime of light. The parents who loved her dearly since birth come and told her not to involved their lost and changed daughter during birth.

Not to cause trouble for her anymore. Them who motivated her, made her strive for more let suffer the injustice of the world. The man she loved since she entered high school told her not to look for him anymore there is no more association between a murder and some pure like him.

Her eyes become watery and the nose become itchy with little mucus come out. It's time for me to be strong and stand for myself ones again after along period of time.

She gathered all her courage and walked toward the director of criminal investigation office.

She knocked at the door, there was two minutes of silence from inside before a responding sound come that told her to come in.

As she was about to settled down Ben and the lawyer also walked in.

Long time sir how may I help you ignoring the presence of Jessica offering a hand of greeting to him.

The detains of as he looked at her indicating with his eyes she should go first, after handling the matter of this young rich generation then she'll listen to her complaints. Understanding the look and meaning of the inspector's eye signal.

He told her to sit down,she is with me and I heard there is new development in the case. This is her lawyer so no need to worry about anything. It still stirred up the sense of her fear inside her that was cause years back.

From the surveillance camera that was taken we discovered that it was broken the previous day. No images were captured on the event of the accident that occurred that day.

From our calculations and how the surrounding of what happened there the car that crushed in front of her was actually an intentional act.

I need to say something to the inspector here is the key wait for me in the car I'll be there in a minute, he said whispered this into her ear.

A faint yet sad smile which made her look a bit older than her age appeared on her delicate thin face with almond eyes, thin eyebrows,sharp nose and juice lips. She exited the office but as soon as she left her legs felt weak and she lost balanced thud she was on the ground within minutes. The fear of this case not being fruitful and the one who caused the accident to be Scott free rose sense of fear and terror in her.

Okay if anything new comes up immediately inform the lawyer not her and he will handle everything.

Okay sir.

Just as he left the room he saw her in someone else's hands a sense of jealousy rose inside him. Why does she not allow him to come near her yet others can hold her? Was he really terrible to the point she didn't she anything of value or appreciate in him?

The man gently placed her on the the chair and offered her a glass of water. Ma'am you can leave after you feel better. Still holding onto the glass on his hand a sense of interaction flushed inside. This was like a fairy tale princess that he only imagined and saw in movies.

Wow I have never seen someone as beautiful as you. What's your name ?

Are you married or do you have a boyfriend?

Ooh I see maybe you are single. Can I get you caller's ID and will take more after I get free time. Maybe we can go for a coffee date? What do you think. This young man was really impressed by her physical appearance.

In a spun of a moment she had asked numerous question even though none was answered he still asked. He was so eager to her respond, showing the excitement on his face.

There was a sudden voice that talked from behind that was deep and magnetic with full of authority... She is mine no need to expect a positive response from her.

The young man was a little embarrassed when he had him saying this.

You can take your leave now I can handle the rest of her requirements. Jessica took the glass from his hands that he had not yet offered to him.

You ought to take care of yourself more or else I'll keep you by my side all the time so as to be sure you are safe. He spoke in a manner that showed no other man had a chance to have her apart from him alone there was no one qualified.

She felt a little embarrassed while her facing turning a little red. You shouldn't be strict with him he just help me a few minutes ago.

If you say so I will he softened his expression.